Before and After Pics-Down 94lbs



  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    Congratulations! You look amazing!
  • jlmed
    jlmed Posts: 226 Member
    WOW, amazing transformation! Congrats!
  • Mrs_Padgett
    Mrs_Padgett Posts: 191 Member
    You look so much younger! You look great :)
  • Steph13RN
    Steph13RN Posts: 92 Member
    congrats! you look wonderful!
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    i wouldn'y know you as the same person
  • kabloozi
    kabloozi Posts: 119 Member
    That's terrific! You have done great and look like you shaved years off and not to mention your health is better!
  • ShrinkinAmberina
    you look amazing and im sure you feel it too!!!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Holy crap! Seriously one of the most drastic transformations I've seen!! Amazing job!
  • SheenSZF
    You look great - very slim! It's inspiring to see such wonderful results!
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    You look like a completely different person! Congrats :flowerforyou:
  • DuvalPierreYves
    Great job ;)
  • joislosingit
    joislosingit Posts: 67 Member
    absolute transformation.. You look terrific
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    WOW!!!!...... what a transformation! Well done.
  • mic1mam
    mic1mam Posts: 33
    You look so totally different, you should be very proud of your accomplishment.
  • carrisaalejandre
    carrisaalejandre Posts: 63 Member
    great job! =)
  • Fit147
    Fit147 Posts: 209 Member
    Amazing! Congrats on sticking with it for a year. Who's the new girl in town! ;)
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Congratulations! You look so petite now!
    How did you do it? How did you get started? What were the hardest obstacles for you along the way, and how did you get past them? We'd all love to hear more!
  • CKJ118
    CKJ118 Posts: 54
    Thanks everyone! My weight loss began when I went for a physical and the Dr said you need blood pressure meds and "I was like what I am only 34." I think that my biggest challenge in the beginning was breaking bad habits and beginning the exercise because it really got to me that I was so physically un-fit.
    When I started out I tried to go all or nothing which quickly backfired and then I decided to do one food switch at a time and take it one day at a time.

    -The first thing I did was to cut out sodas and processed sugars from my food choices.
    -I MEASURED everything on a food scale or in a measuring cup because my portions were WAY OFF.
    -I added in the water and began with Crystal Light and then switched to water with lemon wedges or lime wedges.
    -Next I added in a bit of activity which at the time was walking a little over a mile a day.

    The first 2-3 weeks was a bit brutal because I was truly a junkfoodaholic and I had huge cravings.

    Once I got those changes in place.

    -I took to an approach of making my plates 75/25 which is usually 75% vegetables and 20% protein.
    -I ALWAYS pair any meal or snack with protein so I do not have a sugar crash and I keep a protein bar with me at all times for those running late and starving moments.
    -I added back in condiments that were my old favs, but I brought in lite versions such as laughing cow light cheese instead of cheddar or Land o Lakes light butter at a smaller portion....I use hot sauce quite a bit now too.
    -I make a big bunch of healthy vegetable friendly food on Sundays and keep it in the house to eat through the next few days.
    -I set small goals for myself every month when it comes to activity. When I started walking I worked my way up to 6 miles or more in a day and then moved on to the gym to tone up and do circuit.
    -100 cal snacks can be your friend, they are super convenient and portioned out for you.
    -I found exercises that I LOVE because if you hate it you will probably not do it long term....I personally love kickboxing or P90X type workouts and know that I will stick with them long term.
    -I kept the one food I truly could not live without and downsized it drastically....I still have my morning cappuccino, but I exercise it off.

    This one is a little iffy so I would not recommend it for everyone, but if you can handle it.......

    -I personally believe in the cheat meal....not day....but meal....if it is within reason. We go to a Mexican restaurant once a week or I have a treat once a week. I exercise my butt off for the 2 days before and then go out though and I make sure to order high cal stuff on the side or remove the crispy shell bowl of the taco salad.

    Sorry for going on and on, I will sum this up with my 4 rules of thumb that I live by daily.

    *If you mess up your calories for a day....don't freak out and throw the whole day away.....I saw someone say one day...."If you ran a red light would you keep running every red light for the rest of the day?" I try to always keep that in mind and put that day behind me and start fresh the next day right on track.
    *Be as kind to yourself as you would to a good friend and know that the only person that stands in your way is yourself because YOU CAN do this if you stick to it and have so many more good days than bad....we are only human and do the best you can and remember those victories as you have them.
    *Exercise even when you don't feel like it....I have to push myself to go to the gym some days, but I feel so much better afterwards and know it is worth it when I leave there feeling great.
    *AVOID trigger foods-I know I cannot eat brownies without eating too many so I just don't eat them at all and I stay on track. I love them, but they had to go. Same with Ritz with PB.

    Good luck to everyone and know that you can do it and that you are worth it!
  • sonjawilliams53
    Wow! Way to go! :)
  • 1elena
    1elena Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone! My weight loss began when I went for a physical and the Dr said you need blood pressure meds and "I was like what I am only 34." I think that my biggest challenge in the beginning was breaking bad habits and beginning the exercise because it really got to me that I was so physically un-fit.
    When I started out I tried to go all or nothing which quickly backfired and then I decided to do one food switch at a time and take it one day at a time.

    -The first thing I did was to cut out sodas and processed sugars from my food choices.
    -I MEASURED everything on a food scale or in a measuring cup because my portions were WAY OFF.
    -I added in the water and began with Crystal Light and then switched to water with lemon wedges or lime wedges.
    -Next I added in a bit of activity which at the time was walking a little over a mile a day.

    The first 2-3 weeks was a bit brutal because I was truly a junkfoodaholic and I had huge cravings.

    Once I got those changes in place.

    -I took to an approach of making my plates 75/25 which is usually 75% vegetables and 20% protein.
    -I ALWAYS pair any meal or snack with protein so I do not have a sugar crash and I keep a protein bar with me at all times for those running late and starving moments.
    -I added back in condiments that were my old favs, but I brought in lite versions such as laughing cow light cheese instead of cheddar or Land o Lakes light butter at a smaller portion....I use hot sauce quite a bit now too.
    -I make a big bunch of healthy vegetable friendly food on Sundays and keep it in the house to eat through the next few days.
    -I set small goals for myself every month when it comes to activity. When I started walking I worked my way up to 6 miles or more in a day and then moved on to the gym to tone up and do circuit.
    -100 cal snacks can be your friend, they are super convenient and portioned out for you.
    -I found exercises that I LOVE because if you hate it you will probably not do it long term....I personally love kickboxing or P90X type workouts and know that I will stick with them long term.
    -I kept the one food I truly could not live without and downsized it drastically....I still have my morning cappuccino, but I exercise it off.

    This one is a little iffy so I would not recommend it for everyone, but if you can handle it.......

    -I personally believe in the cheat meal....not day....but meal....if it is within reason. We go to a Mexican restaurant once a week or I have a treat once a week. I exercise my butt off for the 2 days before and then go out though and I make sure to order high cal stuff on the side or remove the crispy shell bowl of the taco salad.

    Sorry for going on and on, I will sum this up with my 4 rules of thumb that I live by daily.

    *If you mess up your calories for a day....don't freak out and throw the whole day away.....I saw someone say one day...."If you ran a red light would you keep running every red light for the rest of the day?" I try to always keep that in mind and put that day behind me and start fresh the next day right on track.
    *Be as kind to yourself as you would to a good friend and know that the only person that stands in your way is yourself because YOU CAN do this if you stick to it and have so many more good days than bad....we are only human and do the best you can and remember those victories as you have them.
    *Exercise even when you don't feel like it....I have to push myself to go to the gym some days, but I feel so much better afterwards and know it is worth it when I leave there feeling great.
    *AVOID trigger foods-I know I cannot eat brownies without eating too many so I just don't eat them at all and I stay on track. I love them, but they had to go. Same with Ritz with PB.

    Good luck to everyone and know that you can do it and that you are worth it!

    Loved this post. A little long but very much worth the time. Thank you so much for your tips and inspiration. You have really helped me today to stay on track. I came on here this morning for some inspiration and I definitely went to the right place. Thanks again and congratulations.
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