I just don't get it. HELP!

Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
I weighed 183 on Saturday. I got on the scale this morning and I was UP to 187.5!!! How can this be? How have I gained 4.5lbs since Saturday? I KNOW I haven't eaten tons of extra calories and I've been working out. My clothes do NOT feel any different and I've been watching my sodium and drinking tons of water. I am so upset right now. It's also not that TOM.

I'm seriously thinking of just accepting that I'll be fat forever since even though I'm following the "rules" my body doesn't want to cooperate. Some please talk me off the ledge right now. :sad: :mad:


  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm in the same boat right now. I gained 6 lbs in a week and is sure pissed me off. But we have to remember that the scale doesn't give us the whole picture and that muscle weighs more than fat. If you've been working out a lot that could be were the gain comes in and not a gain in a bad, feel ashamed way but in the same way you would gain knowledge you may have gained muscle and tone and an easier way up the stairs.

    I think that all of us, especially those of us with a lot of weight to lose have a difficult time rememebering that "gain" isn't all ways a bad thing. If your clothes still feel good and your are still doing the right things I believe you gained something other than fat, something far more useful.

    Have a great day gorgeous,
  • fitzio1015
    fitzio1015 Posts: 168
    It happens all the time.... remember when you workout your muscles will hold water.... thats why they say don't weigh yourself every day...i personally do...but i don't let that weight get to me.... the one i care about is every friday...even then...i know i am eating better and making myself healthier..... there is more to being healthy then just the weight on the scale..

    Keep your head up ....if you know you are doing the right thing to be "healthy" then you should be proud of yourself.....

    good luck to you
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    oh don't worry!! I don't have great advise, but I had the same thing a few weeks ago, I had just started working out, and I know you gain muscle weight but I seriously weighed more and more every time I got on the scale, it was so depressing as I'd been very careful about food and exercise, and for about 2 weeks, I just gained and gained..

    I found though that maybe it was my body adjusting, or maybe as I actually got really sick afterwards something was awry somewhere, but even though I was sick for about 5 weeks, and I lost all my fitness and didnt eat well, I didn't gain any weight... so I like to think all the work I did beforehand did help me out in some way.

    I also bought an analyser scales, so it gives me my % body fat and muscle mass. I found that, although I'm heavier than I've ever been, my % body fat was 24, which is ok(I think) ,,, and at a much lighter weight, my body fat had been ^40%!!

    My advise would be to try not to feel too disheartened, realise it might be your body just getting used to something different,, and try an analyser scales if you haven't already.. I find it great motivation as even if I dont lose a pound of weight, if I see a loss in body fat or increase in muscle mass, I know that things are going well, it's just not translating into weight loss yet
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Maybe your weight loss goal (2 pounds per week, if that is what it is) is too much of a shock to your system and your metabolism is slowing down. Try changing your goal to 1.5 or 1 pound per week, your body just may need more fuel to be more efficient. Good luck.
  • marwi
    marwi Posts: 5 Member
    If you did not eat excessively, you know that this is not true weight gain. It takes 3500 excess calories to gain a pound, so you know you did not eat that much. Sometimes our bodies dont react exactly like we think they should, give it time you will see the loss. I know its hard but dont weigh but once a week. You are doing the work, you WILL see results!!! Hang in there you can do it!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    I know how you feel the same thing happens to me,and then i give up but i realize that even just a little to much salt and not enough water will make me gain.I just started agian last week its alot of work but i need to do this no matter how long it takes.Give yourself time its not going to work overnight.
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    Take a deep breath! I was feeling the same way the other day...doing everything you're supposed to do and feeling like no progress is being made. Very frustrating!! I think the important thing we need to remember is that while losing the weight is part of the ultimate goal a bigger factor is being healthier overall. I lose sight of this so many times. Maybe the scale didn't budge or went in the wrong direction but it's important that we keep moving forward for a healthier and longer life! I try to think baby steps...sometimes you have to step back once or twice to get the momentum you need to push forward. Try to stay positive. Take a look at what you've been doing/eating and maybe try to tweek some things that will help. Don't give up and remember just because the scale isn't being friendly :laugh: doesn't mean that your body isn't getting the benefits of eating better and regular exercise.
  • minilawyer
    minilawyer Posts: 14 Member
    I can empathize with you...I've been going through similar ups with the scale (heck, I was down 2 pounds on Sunday, weighed myself Monday and it said I was up 1.5! What's up with that??). What I try to remind myself is that this particular moment in time is not the end all be all of your weight. There are so many physical factors that could affect it (that have nothing to do with how well you're sticking with your eating plan), there's no telling what's going on. What is important is sticking with what you're doing and *knowing* in your heart that it's the right thing to do and that you *will* see results. I'm pretty new here at MFP but I've been reading many of the forums and the lesson I get from so many people here is to not give up...a bad meal, a bad day, a bad weigh-in isn't enough to throw in the towel. The people here who have lost the weight have all had those bad meals, bad days, and bad weigh-ins, but the key is that they stuck with their program. It's really hard for me, I've been the queen of giving up over the years, but all it has gotten me is more weight.

    We won't be fat forever if we STICK with it! Let's move pass this and keep up the good work we are doing. Even if the scale is not cooperating, we *know* that this is making us healthier and we will eventually achieve our goals.

    Hang in there, my friend. You are worth it.
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    Okay, sit back and take a deep breath!!!!

    The scale is going to go up and down and you just have to take a deep breath and KEEP GOING!!!! You will probably see a big drop in a few days or weeks; but just remember your clothes are fitting fine, you are feeling better and please try and remember - DO NOT BE A SLAVE TO THE SCALE. It is a helpful tool that you have to go with and just move on!!!

    Remember, this is a journey, it took you how long to put the weight on, so remember it is going to take time to get it off.

    Good Luck and smile - you are thinner than you were when you started this journey!!!!
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    I weight myself everyday and get frustrated as well. Im sure its sodium , just keep drinking the water.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Maybe your weight loss goal (2 pounds per week, if that is what it is) is too much of a shock to your system and your metabolism is slowing down. Try changing your goal to 1.5 or 1 pound per week, your body just may need more fuel to be more efficient. Good luck.

    Great advice. I know myself, I had some problems as well and I had to do some calorie adjusting. I weigh myself once a month now instead of weekly because it wasn't helping me any - I became too worried with the scale. The tape measure shows more progress than the scale for me. Try and take some measurements and track your progress both ways. Just because you may have gained on the scale doesn't mean you don't look fabulous already!! Keep your head up. :flowerforyou:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Ok, I think I figured out my problem, My 4 year old daughter just got on the scale and it said she gained 8 lbs since yesterday!!!! WHAT? So I got back down and I'm down 3 lbs from 1/2 an hour ago.

    It's time to get a new scale! This one is just pure evil! I feel much better now. Thanks everyone for all your responses!
  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    Same here, I joined 2 days ago and gained a pound. Hmmm, I thought I was doing so well.:cry:
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    Ok, I think I figured out my problem, My 4 year old daughter just got on the scale and it said she gained 8 lbs since yesterday!!!! WHAT? So I got back down and I'm down 3 lbs from 1/2 an hour ago.

    It's time to get a new scale! This one is just pure evil! I feel much better now. Thanks everyone for all your responses!

    Yea I think Mr Scale needs to be replaced with a nicer version. :laugh: :wink:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Ok, I think I figured out my problem, My 4 year old daughter just got on the scale and it said she gained 8 lbs since yesterday!!!! WHAT? So I got back down and I'm down 3 lbs from 1/2 an hour ago.

    It's time to get a new scale! This one is just pure evil! I feel much better now. Thanks everyone for all your responses!

    Yea I think Mr Scale needs to be replaced with a nicer version. :laugh: :wink:

    Mr Evil is now in the trash! haha!
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    Ok, I think I figured out my problem, My 4 year old daughter just got on the scale and it said she gained 8 lbs since yesterday!!!! WHAT? So I got back down and I'm down 3 lbs from 1/2 an hour ago.

    It's time to get a new scale! This one is just pure evil! I feel much better now. Thanks everyone for all your responses!