I think I am only consuming 400 or less calories a day? Help



  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello, Thank u all so much for helping me and your wonderful advice!!!

    So my BMR is 2,183 and my TDEE is 2, 808 this all includes my 500 for breastfeeding.

    I had set my MFP goal at 1,900 so its too low. So if I set my calorie goal at 2,183 is that okay? Should I eat back my exercise allowance?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Hello, Thank u all so much for helping me and your wonderful advice!!!

    So my BMR is 2,183 and my TDEE is 2, 808 this all includes my 500 for breastfeeding.

    I had set my MFP goal at 1,900 so its too low. So if I set my calorie goal at 2,183 is that okay? Should I eat back my exercise allowance?

    20% less than your TDEE would be 2246 cals a day. If it was me, I'd go with this number rather than my BMR number. BMR is better considered as your bare minimum that you don't go below, rather than a target to aim for. I think this is even more important if you're breastfeeding, as you need to keep up a good supply of milk for your baby.

    With 2246 cals a day you should be able to lose fat at a rate of about 1lb a week, and still maintain your milk supply (and sustain your body!).

    Regarding exercise calories, if you calculated your TDEE to include your exercise (e.g. lightly active, moderately active, or saying how many times a week you workout, etc) then don't eat back your exercise calories, as they're already included.
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    Oh yes that makes sense thanks.
  • jennifeffer
    jennifeffer Posts: 98 Member
    How do you calculate your exercise calories? A lot of the time people seriously over estimate their exercise calories and really just either stall or put weight on because they think they're burning a lot more than they are and therefore take in too many calories overall
    ^^ This! I find MFP over estimates calories burned. When I wear my polar it can be as much as 200 cals less that what the database says........1000 calories is a lot of exercise. Be careful, don't cut too low or it could compromise your milk production and that is what is most important right now:)
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    How do you calculate your exercise calories? A lot of the time people seriously over estimate their exercise calories and really just either stall or put weight on because they think they're burning a lot more than they are and therefore take in too many calories overall
    ^^ This! I find MFP over estimates calories burned. When I wear my polar it can be as much as 200 cals less that what the database says........1000 calories is a lot of exercise. Be careful, don't cut too low or it could compromise your milk production and that is what is most important right now:)

    Hiya I use Zumba on the wii to work out so it calculates my calories burned there. But I defo would like to buy something more accurate.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member

    I would like some advice if possible.

    I have lost about 8 pounds in two and a half weeks in during that time I was eating lower than my allowance but no exercise.
    I am also breastfeeding my newborn exclusively burning around 500 calories daily.
    So anyway this past week I went very strict on my intake and started exercise. Two days in the week I even lost 1000 calories i just exercise.
    So I jump on the scales this week and I have stayed the same weight. When I started doing my figures in my head it seems that I may be stalling because of not enough calories.

    not eating enough when breast feeding could put you in the risk of anemia and osteoporosis.take care and enjoy motherhood.:flowerforyou:
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    not sure if this will help or not because i cannot compare it to net calories, but when my sister-in-law was on weight watchers and breast feeding it told her to eat 2x the number of points and she still lost a alot. good luck!
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    bumping because there is a lot of good info here.
  • felisha_ortiz
    felisha_ortiz Posts: 10 Member
    Up your calories and quickly!!! I am nursing a 9 month old (9 months today yayy!) and after about two or three weeks of intense strict dieting my milk supply tanked. I was able to get it back up with lots of nursing, water, and making sure I was getting at LEAST 1200 calories a day. (but more like 1300-1700 is really where I aim to be) You WILL still lose weight, and in fact, you will lose it more steadily when you up your calories.

    We have to lose slowly because we are also feeding our lovely littles,

    so yes, you need to eat back the calories you burn, from both nursing and working out.

    You can friend me or message me if you would like some more info, :) I have lost 46 lbs while nursing, and have maintained a healthy milk supply, through light to moderate exercise and a healthy diet (diet meaning what I eat, I am not actually "dieting")

    You can do this momma!!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Thanks guys. So do I need to work out all the formulas like TDEE AND BMR etc??? Or should I just attempt to eat my daily allowance and eat back my exercise calories when i do it?

    You'll be fine if you eat back your exercise calories AND your breastfeeding calories. It's in the food database - "breastfeeding, exclusively" = -500 calories. You already have a deficit built into your calorie allowance by MFP. An additional 500 isn't necessary!

    Note that not all women shed the weight easily when breasfeeding. Some of us are "nut storers" - our body wants to hold onto the fat as insurance we will be able to provide enough milk. IF this happens to you, don't worry. You have plenty of time later to lose the weight. What you are doing now (providing nutrition for your baby) is more important, IMHO. Don't over-do it on the exercise, either. Do what is good for your body, but don't push yourself to the point where you don't have lots of energy for your baby. (With luck this paragraph won't apply to you! :wink: )
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    As others have mentioned, going so low on net calories (calories eaten - exercise calories burned) is bad for you over time. In your case you also have the baby to consider since you've chosen to breastfeed (kudos for that!)

    I'd start with the 2246 figure, add moderate exercise (the Wii Zumba sounds fun!) and see what happens over a few weeks.
    Enjoy the baby! :happy:
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    As one who's taken courses on lacation, I just want to correct some misinformation. The quality of your breastmilk does NOT change depending on your diet unless you're very malnourished. The only people who need to worry about the quality of their milk are women who are on very strict diets, for instance vegans or those who are very malnourished. It IS true that what you eat flavors your breastmilk and babies may suck more vigorously if their moms have eaten certain foods, garlic, for instance. Your diet does not have to perfect. As long as it's reasonable, your milk and baby won't be affected.

    Not taking in enough calcium while you're breastfeeding also does not cause osteoporosis. They have studied women's bone mass while breastfeeding and often there is a slight calcium loss, but this returns to normal after breastfeeding ceases.
  • emills1970
    emills1970 Posts: 118 Member
    Bump...Good info!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    As one who's taken courses on lacation, I just want to correct some misinformation. The quality of your breastmilk does NOT change depending on your diet unless you're very malnourished. The only people who need to worry about the quality of their milk are women who are on very strict diets, for instance vegans or those who are very malnourished. It IS true that what you eat flavors your breastmilk and babies may suck more vigorously if their moms have eaten certain foods, garlic, for instance. Your diet does not have to perfect. As long as it's reasonable, your milk and baby won't be affected.

    Not taking in enough calcium while you're breastfeeding also does not cause osteoporosis. They have studied women's bone mass while breastfeeding and often there is a slight calcium loss, but this returns to normal after breastfeeding ceases.

    Someone on 400 calories IS very malnourished!
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    As one who's taken courses on lacation, I just want to correct some misinformation. The quality of your breastmilk does NOT change depending on your diet unless you're very malnourished. The only people who need to worry about the quality of their milk are women who are on very strict diets, for instance vegans or those who are very malnourished. It IS true that what you eat flavors your breastmilk and babies may suck more vigorously if their moms have eaten certain foods, garlic, for instance. Your diet does not have to perfect. As long as it's reasonable, your milk and baby won't be affected.

    Not taking in enough calcium while you're breastfeeding also does not cause osteoporosis. They have studied women's bone mass while breastfeeding and often there is a slight calcium loss, but this returns to normal after breastfeeding ceases.

    Someone on 400 calories IS very malnourished!

    I agree. I was referring to the general statements people were making.
  • LiveLean530
    LiveLean530 Posts: 2 Member
    you need to eat more or else you will become skinnyfat like me so im working out to get rid of it
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for all the great information. I have now upped my calories and calmed down on the exercise front. I am hoping that it will change my weight loss.