new to this! need some friends :)

hello everyone my names leanne and i have just recently joined mfp. my current weight is 148lbs, im absolutely disgusted with myself, i hate my figure so much! haha, i put it down to being lazy and eating because of boredom..

anyways, i could really use the support & motivation so feel free to add me, the more friends, the better! :D x


  • Welcome :bigsmile:
  • Welcome aboard :)
  • Add me girl :-) Stay Strong X
  • jg6511
    jg6511 Posts: 16 Member
    welcome. i'm new also. just started yesterday - using the site anyway. i've been dieting since the first of january. i don't know how to add you as a friend. if i figure that out, i'll add you.
  • GlassSlipperGurl
    GlassSlipperGurl Posts: 117 Member
    Feel free to add me. Welcome!
  • Thanks everyone! :)
  • Brenna
    Brenna Posts: 126 Member
    148 is nothing to be disgusted at! I gained weight like that when I was your age. I paid for Weight watchers at the time. I was totally broke, in college, but committed! I learned so much how to control my eating and how to truly balance my calorie intake and still have a life! The weight came off slow, but steady. Just commit to it and you will so fine!

    Also, try and cut out that self-destructive talk. :) Feel free to follow me and my food diary too! I'm a vegetarian and been on and off MFP for a few years. Like you, I don't have a huge amount of weight to lose. But I'm committed to my goals and also need the support from others!

    Go get em girl!