How much is a cup?

jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
Hey guys,

So, My Fitness Pals recommends that you drink around 8 'cups' of water a day. My question much is a cup? I drink from a full pint glass so I take 8 cups to be 4 pints a day. Is that correct or is that too little or too much?

Answers on a postcard :)


  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    A cup is 8 ozs, so you are correct.
  • lindseym18
    A cup is 8 oz. So yes 4 pints a day is equivalent to 8 cups a day.
  • mcesira
    mcesira Posts: 36 Member
    One cup = 8 oz.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    YAY! Thank you lovely people :) x
  • jgrode1984
    A lot of nutritionists will say drink a minimum of 64 oz per day PLUS an additional 8 oz for every 10 lbs you are overweight according to your ideal bmi. It seems hard to drink so much, sometimes more than 100 oz of water each day, but it REALLY makes a difference!
  • fleisen
    How mich ml is one cup? Im drinking 3 Liter every day
  • caddir
    caddir Posts: 150 Member
    Can you drink too much though? I drink about 2 pints of black tea and four or five pints of water plus another pint or two of pop. I think that is so about 4 litres of liquid. Since I was a child I've always been thirsty!

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    You can also rink too much water and get dehydrated, strangely enough. I once had to get a urine test and couldn't pee to save my life. I drank so much water trying to get there that I ended up in the hospital on an IV.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    You can also rink too much water and get dehydrated, strangely enough. I once had to get a urine test and couldn't pee to save my life. I drank so much water trying to get there that I ended up in the hospital on an IV.

    You should take a kidney test.
  • Bardane
    Bardane Posts: 60 Member
    In Australia a cup is 250ml
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    edited January 2015
    250 ml or 8oz.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I've also heard it recommended to drink half your weight in oz. every day (so I weigh 240 lbs, I need to drink 120 oz or 120/8=15 cups).
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Best way to tell if you need more or less water - pee color. :stuck_out_tongue: Google images for a chart for it, there are many, but basically if you're peeing pale yellow, you're hydrated sufficiently. If it's dark yellow, you need more water, if it's pretty much colorless, you can back away from the water bottle.

    I've found that I do well in winter with about 7-10 cups a day, depending on activity level/sweating, and in summer I need 10-15, also based on activity and how stinkin' hot it is outside. :sweat_smile:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Yup! Two cups to a pint! :)

    You don't have to swallow exactly 64oz of water a day. It's not carved in stone.

    Unless you have some medical or psychological issue that alters your thirst/drinking, just drink to your thirst. Keep the water handy and take sips as you feel like it.

    Trust your thirst. :)
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    fleisen wrote: »
    How mich ml is one cup? Im drinking 3 Liter every day

    You're fine then.
    1L is 33.8oz
    Its suggested to drink 64oz of water.
    Drink til your pee is the appropriate color is a better gauge