Silly Question ...

I feel a bit silly asking this question, but it's been playing on my mind.

I work as a chef and it can get pretty greasy and smokey and I was wondering if there is a possibility that I could be absorbing calories from breathing in the fumes from the food?

Yea, I said it was a silly question :P


  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    I wouldn't think so. I work in a restaurant as well. And it gets quite greasy in there and I've had no problem losing weight. Think about it, when your skin is try they tell you to use coconut or olive oil for moisturizer and people don't gain weight doing that. I think you are fine.
  • BebeStyles1990
    Thank God :P it's just something that's been niggling at me. Well done on the 125lbs lost btw! :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    A little, but just like oil sprays add negligible calories, I doubt it is enough to even attempt to count.

    Unless you are a mouth breather, then it would be more (Jk)