running/jogging on tteadmill beginner

Hi! I'm looking for any suggestions from seasoned treadmillers for starting to jog on a treadmill. When I try it I always feel so unsteady and insecure. Are there any tips to starting? I'd like to start the c25k, but the running is awful.
Please be nice, I'm serious and really want to do it.


  • MarieG2023
    MarieG2023 Posts: 61 Member
    I started by alternating periods of walking and running, 5 minute walk then a minute run at a comfortable speed. Once I felt I was no longer challenged, I increased the running time and speed. Now I love running and get cranky if I don't run at least twice a week. Message me/friend me if you want encouragement.
  • 1Fizzle
    1Fizzle Posts: 241 Member
    Welcome to the world of running. It can be pretty addictive. A lot of people recommend a couch to 5K program, but I just began by getting on a treadmill, running and finding my own pace. Since you are just beginning, start at a slow pace and guage your distance. I agree on the alternating periods of walking and running, but you need to guage what periods of run/walk work best for you.

    Second, please make sure that you go to a reputable running store and get fitted for the proper shoes. This makes all the difference when you start a running program. Good shoes will increase comfort while running and help prevent injury. Also, be aware of your form while running....heel toe is not actually the best running form. You want to strike on the middle part of your foot. Landing on your heel puts extra pressure on your knees and back and can lead to injuries.

    Good Luck and be consistent!
  • on2anewme
    on2anewme Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks! I've got to try that first I guess. I'll definately friend you, thanks! Any encouragement is much appreciated!
  • NewFrenchFemme
    NewFrenchFemme Posts: 36 Member

    I'm on Week 2 of C25K. I'm doing it on a treadmill as:

    a) there is no way to avoid the very steep hill straight from my house, and I'm not up to that yet(!);
    b) it's been too slippery (snow, ice, leaves), and
    c) for me it's the easiest way of getting back into exercise.

    For me the key is not to try and go too fast too soon. Speed will come, it's important to build a good base first. Feel free to add me to share the experience!
  • nikibob
    nikibob Posts: 165 Member
    I agree that proper footwear is a must! I thought I hated running until I got some actual running shoes instead of the old tennis shoes I figured were good enough. It makes all the difference in the world to have a correctly fitting and appropriate shoe for the job. They are so worth a little extra money! It makes the run more comfortable and it will be so much easier on your joints!
  • MarieG2023
    MarieG2023 Posts: 61 Member
    I also agree about the running shoe...this was the biggest favor I have done for myself, getting fit for the best shoe for my running style. This made a big difference in my endurance.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for any suggestions from seasoned treadmillers for starting to jog on a treadmill. When I try it I always feel so unsteady and insecure. Are there any tips to starting? I'd like to start the c25k, but the running is awful.
    Please be nice, I'm serious and really want to do it.

    Start slow, look straight ahead, wear the quick stop cord, stay near the front so you can grab the handles if you need to. Balance will come with using the treadmill more and getting a feel for it. Even after years of use I can still lose my balance if I look down at my feet!
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    Always look ahead! If I look down I get unsteady and lose balance :) C25k is a great way to break into running, I did it last year and haven't looked back, I love running now (I'm someone who always though myself as definitely not a runner). If you can, do some of your running outdoors, it's so much more fun. I do a mix of treadmill and outdoor runs. When starting keep your pace very slow, speed and endurance will come later so don't worry about that at first, good luck! :)
  • on2anewme
    on2anewme Posts: 18 Member
    This was just what I was looking for! Thank you all. I can feel there is a runner inside of me just waiting to bloom! Going to go try again now, looking straight forward ;-)