What keeps you motivated?



  • LoveAlwaysAlisa
    LoveAlwaysAlisa Posts: 111 Member
    For me, it's just the simple fact that I am UNHAPPY being this weight and unhealthy (IMO). I always tell others if they don't like something about themselves or their lives...THEN CHANGE IT. You don't HAVE to be unhappy. Make yourself, and your life the best that you can. :smile:

  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    what keeps me motivated is me......at the end of the day it's only in seeing that I am worth so much more than that piece of cheesecake or just sitting around wasting my life....

    you ARE skinny on the inside...and the only way to let that out is to peel off this outer layer.... the diet and the exercise are the tools that we use to do it... but it's the ME inside that gets it done.... and you're amazing.... you can do this so easily just by making up your mind that you're going to do it.... one day at a time.... every day is a day closer.....don't put it off any longer.... don't live any more days in shame or sadness..... be joyfull that NOW is your time.... fuel yourself on that joy and you will have all the energy you ever needed.....

    dance so you can fly......:flowerforyou:
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    When I first started, it was my 2 sons because they wanted me to be healthy, but now it's not just my sons. It's also seeing how far I've come and wanting to see how much farther I can go. My husband because he always tells me I look good and that he's proud of me, and because I am healthy now and I want to stay that way!
  • Lovinglish
    Lovinglish Posts: 55 Member
    My heart, living longer, not being able to wear any of the cute clothes in the stores, showing off my ink. Wanting to be comfortable in the stupid desk/chairs in college. And being able to say "screw you I did it" to every person to has told me I wont be successful with my weight loss. and many many more...

    Those are what motivates me. Find something. Make a list. And just do it.

    I feel u
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    you want tough love? well! get off the computer and get your butt moving. use equipment in your house? go for a walk? go to a gym? that is the first step to seeing any progress! i cant be there to tell you what to do. but if you want to add me, ill go walking right now if you put your shoes on too!
  • sclarktiw
    sclarktiw Posts: 217
    I weigh myself daily and seeing the numbers get SMALLER ANd smaller...that motivates me big time.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member

    What an amazing transformation! I started here in Aug at 228, and am built like you, so seeing what I can look like is extremely motivating to me now! I really needed to see this. Thanks for posting, and congratulations on your hard work and determination!
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    I feel and look much better and am never going back to the old way. I have come too far.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    what keeps me motivated is me......at the end of the day it's only in seeing that I am worth so much more than that piece of cheesecake or just sitting around wasting my life....

    you ARE skinny on the inside...and the only way to let that out is to peel off this outer layer.... the diet and the exercise are the tools that we use to do it... but it's the ME inside that gets it done.... and you're amazing.... you can do this so easily just by making up your mind that you're going to do it.... one day at a time.... every day is a day closer.....don't put it off any longer.... don't live any more days in shame or sadness..... be joyfull that NOW is your time.... fuel yourself on that joy and you will have all the energy you ever needed.....

    dance so you can fly......:flowerforyou:

    You are on my hero list!!
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    Summer Time



  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I was in ICU once. That is worth a lifetime of motivation.
  • queeniekristi
    queeniekristi Posts: 3 Member
    I try doing something different each day than what got me to this overweight place. Even if it is 5 mins of activity. I always feel better.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Well, see... that's the problem, isn't it :-)
    You're not the only one... my motivation goes up and down constantly.
    Have friends on here that comment regularly when I post helps.
    And, I just took my first set of "before" pics in a swimsuit. Scary, but motivating nonetheless.

    Good luck to you!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I keep a list of my NSV (Non-scale victories). I read it when I need more motivation. Having that reminder - right before my eyes - of all the improvements in my life since I started this... Priceless. I would recommend that anyone here keep their own little list of NSV - it's fantastic to see that list grow. (Especially when you get to write down "I can now do X which I couldn't, for years and years")
  • Lovinglish
    Lovinglish Posts: 55 Member
    When I feel overweight or unmotivated I feel uncomfortable. Soon clothes become too tight and especially when you have to go somewhere special and meet people you haven’t seen in AGES… that is uncomfortable.

    The weird thing is, sometimes we allow ourselves to put up with this type of uncomfortable, because sometimes the sofa is just TOO COMFY. When we are at home, lying up watching TV in our jammies, it is hard NOT to feel comfortable, and our weight doesn’t really have to bother us when we are sitting in front of the telly. The thought of getting up, going for a walk or going to the gym – now that can be a tad uncomfortable.
    So the bottom line is you are going to have to be UNCOMFORTABLE one way or the other there is no escaping discomfort.

    But you do have a choice as to what type of discomfort you want to experience. You can choose discomfort that leads to…
    a.) A life of ill health and disease and low self esteem with your overweight body image…. OR
    b.) A life that is you living your dream in a slim healthy body and leading an active lifestyle

    There is no way to avoid discomfort, so if you have to feel it, then we should all really choose the discomfort that helps us to live a dream.
    When we think about going on a lifestyle change, and start an exercise routine, that can feel like a lot of discomfort (You should hear some of the excuses that I tell myself of why I won't go to the gym but at the end of the day I am fooling myself, when the scales don't move at weighin I only have myself to blame), but you will see it all the time, that once someone settles into their new diet or exercise routine that they feel great, they don’t even consider it to be that much of a discomfort. I know you are saying that you can't get back to doing things after your holidays but you have to look back to what worked for you before? Its a learning curve with many bumps along the way.

    Believe me getting up, and getting out of your comfort zone to go after a goal, whether that is weight loss, exercising or a new physical challenge, takes effort, willpower, courage and GUTS. You have to get out of comfort zone, push yourself, raise the bar, and go the extra mile. You have to do the things that other people don’t or won’t do.

    If you want to TOTALLY TRANSFORM your body, if you dream of being slim, toned, active, fit, healthy, and looking beautiful… I hate to break it to you but that IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN until you get out of your comfort zone, off the couch and make things happen. Take baby steps, 10 mins of exercise a day is better than nothing but you have to think what you would like long term. Are you motivated enough to make the best decision in your life to be happy, free of some healthy problems? Well then I am going to say it how it is, repeat after me, I can do this, I am stronger than this challenge and every day this challenge will make me stronger and I want it so bad that I will do anything in my power to change my attitude and do it, NO MORE EXCUSES!! Its not easy, you will have some tears, tantrums but when you get to your goal you will be glad that you put in as much effort as you did and when you look in the mirror your progress will show you how far you have come.

    Anything worth having or doing takes EFFORT and a hell of allot of WORK.


    I love this and u are right on point, thank u
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    When I feel overweight or unmotivated I feel uncomfortable. Soon clothes become too tight and especially when you have to go somewhere special and meet people you haven’t seen in AGES… that is uncomfortable.

    The weird thing is, sometimes we allow ourselves to put up with this type of uncomfortable, because sometimes the sofa is just TOO COMFY. When we are at home, lying up watching TV in our jammies, it is hard NOT to feel comfortable, and our weight doesn’t really have to bother us when we are sitting in front of the telly. The thought of getting up, going for a walk or going to the gym – now that can be a tad uncomfortable.
    So the bottom line is you are going to have to be UNCOMFORTABLE one way or the other there is no escaping discomfort.

    But you do have a choice as to what type of discomfort you want to experience. You can choose discomfort that leads to…
    a.) A life of ill health and disease and low self esteem with your overweight body image…. OR
    b.) A life that is you living your dream in a slim healthy body and leading an active lifestyle

    There is no way to avoid discomfort, so if you have to feel it, then we should all really choose the discomfort that helps us to live a dream.
    When we think about going on a lifestyle change, and start an exercise routine, that can feel like a lot of discomfort (You should hear some of the excuses that I tell myself of why I won't go to the gym but at the end of the day I am fooling myself, when the scales don't move at weighin I only have myself to blame), but you will see it all the time, that once someone settles into their new diet or exercise routine that they feel great, they don’t even consider it to be that much of a discomfort. I know you are saying that you can't get back to doing things after your holidays but you have to look back to what worked for you before? Its a learning curve with many bumps along the way.

    Believe me getting up, and getting out of your comfort zone to go after a goal, whether that is weight loss, exercising or a new physical challenge, takes effort, willpower, courage and GUTS. You have to get out of comfort zone, push yourself, raise the bar, and go the extra mile. You have to do the things that other people don’t or won’t do.

    If you want to TOTALLY TRANSFORM your body, if you dream of being slim, toned, active, fit, healthy, and looking beautiful… I hate to break it to you but that IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN until you get out of your comfort zone, off the couch and make things happen. Take baby steps, 10 mins of exercise a day is better than nothing but you have to think what you would like long term. Are you motivated enough to make the best decision in your life to be happy, free of some healthy problems? Well then I am going to say it how it is, repeat after me, I can do this, I am stronger than this challenge and every day this challenge will make me stronger and I want it so bad that I will do anything in my power to change my attitude and do it, NO MORE EXCUSES!! Its not easy, you will have some tears, tantrums but when you get to your goal you will be glad that you put in as much effort as you did and when you look in the mirror your progress will show you how far you have come.

    Anything worth having or doing takes EFFORT and a hell of allot of WORK.


    Um. Bloody love you.
  • CheekyRunner
    CheekyRunner Posts: 105 Member
    IF YOU DON'T TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY WHERE WILL YOU LIVE? :sick: You can't buy a new one when.........

    That's what I ask myself when I want to eat junk or skip exercising.

    I find that having a fitness goal helps me a lot. I decided to run a 5K this year and to make sure I do it and get out and run I signed up for and paid for a 5K this spring. My modivation is I don't want to come in last and my family will be there to see me....
  • diva7531
    diva7531 Posts: 20 Member
    MONEY! My friend and I started a weight loss contest last summer and we have been doing them 10 weeks at a time since then. I would like to think without it, I would still be and stay as healthy as I am, but I probably wouldn't. So e just keep doing them over and over again. Every time, new people join, old people drop out, but it's bigger every time. I have another 60 pounds to lose, so I figure a few more contests for me, then I will pass the torch! Of course, the real reason, is myself, my kids, my family. I want to grow old with my husband, watch my kids grow up and be a good role model for them. But the money, really, really helps!!!!! JBH! :)
  • mstjmack26
    mstjmack26 Posts: 121 Member
    you want tough love? well! get off the computer and get your butt moving. use equipment in your house? go for a walk? go to a gym? that is the first step to seeing any progress! i cant be there to tell you what to do. but if you want to add me, ill go walking right now if you put your shoes on too!

    MFP is the ultimate buddy system! You need a buddy system. If you want someone to keep you motivated, we are here. If you want a gym/workout buddy near or far, we are here. This is a lifestyle and should be something you do everyday for as long as you are living and able. Now go workout and have fun with it!