


  • SlinkySpencer
    SlinkySpencer Posts: 139 Member
    I got Alli once to help me out, but I found that after reading the charming list of common side effects (like uncontrollable bowel movements), it scared me completely out of eating fat. Effective because i never took the med but lost weight because I was terrified of taking it and pooping myself...so I learned how to manage my fat intake on my own without the med. I much prefer using MFP and tracking my intake and expenditures. There is no side effect of MFP like uncontrollable bowels...and the company here just can't be beat!

    ^^That. I was in the same boat, and I used it with regular diet and exercise. I admit, it did help me lose weight faster...but mostly through fear. I never had any loose bowls, thankfully. So, the "fear factor" worked. Unfortunately, my fear of fats (including healthy ones) left me losing about 60 lbs way too fast. Goodbye, dear gallbladder. I decided to stay away from them after that...
  • I used it a few yrs ago. Works well helps reduce fat by stopping it being absorbed.

    Sorry for being indelicate, but I found that if I ate too much fat I had unpleasant pooing. This meant that I tried not to eat too much fat. Plus it drew my attention to which meals I ate that had hidden fat. Hope that didn't put you off too much, as I said it did work.

    Good luck
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Stop listening to non-health professionals and start listening to doctors. There are some folks on here that are so against anything but doing what they do that they shoot anything down without even considering it.

    I have used Orlistat successfully. You must make diet and exercise changes for it to work. If you do not, you will poop your pants quite literally. All I know is that if you're on it, you don't want to go over on your fat and you'll be scared to. For me, I'm a binge-r and it really helped prevent that knowing I would have a myriad of bowel malfunctions if I went over on my fat.

    You quite simply cannot take Orlistat without making significant changes to your diet, so for all those who want you to do that, well you've got that covered.

    It's not a miracle. It just adds a little extra weight loss to your existing plan. You must be super strict on limiting your fat intake though, which is not what I care to do now, so I don't use it anymore.

    I don't recommend it but I don't give it a negative review either. I just get sick of hearing people talk about something they've never taken or had any experience with. I'm fine with the woman whose husband took it. At least she has some proper feedback.

    I am not really worried about you being fine with my comment.
  • Stop listening to non-health professionals and start listening to doctors. There are some folks on here that are so against anything but doing what they do that they shoot anything down without even considering it.

    Uhm, I am a health professional. I work with a whole team of physicians, dieticians, nutritionists, pharmacists, and professionals in the areas of weight loss methods (medical, surgical, holistic, and dietary). None of them recommend Orlistat to their patients/clients. I would never recommend it either. It leads to vitamin deficiencies if vitamins aren't properly supplemented and is associated with an increased risk of aggressive colon cancer and an increased risk of cholecystitis (gall bladder inflammation) and cholelithiasis (gallstone formation) often leading to the need for a cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal). As a person I do not recommend it. As a health professional I do not recommend it. I don't know of one that I work with who does. To each their own...but there are other and better ways to lose weight...ones with more positive long-lasting impacts on the body.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Lauren I am new to this looking for some support while trying to lose weight :)

    My doctor has suggested I try Orlistat I was wondering if any one could give me some advice or share your experience with using Orlistat?

    I have to lose 2.5kg my the 25 feb to be considered for Orlistat so thats my goal! I also stopped smoking nearly two years ago and since feel i have replaced ciggies with food since i have nearly put 3 stone on!

    feel free to add me :) x

    orlistat is going to get a lot of hate on these boards - nobody is going to really give it a shot saying things like just work harder etc. Do you need it? No, I tell patients all the time how I have lost weight with diet and exercise that being said orlistat/phenter are drugs that are approved in the aid of weightloss - they aren't get fit quick pills and when used in adjunct with a healthy diet and 150 min of moderate exercise have been shown to be effective

    Doctors prescribe it because it is effective - the choice to use it is up to you, but dont expect this message board to be receptive lol - just my 2 cents
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    Stop listening to non-health professionals and start listening to doctors. There are some folks on here that are so against anything but doing what they do that they shoot anything down without even considering it.

    ^this - actually this entire post was on point - in my opinion
  • Kanohane
    Kanohane Posts: 112 Member
    edited March 2015
    Stop listening to non-health professionals and start listening to doctors. There are some folks on here that are so against anything but doing what they do that they shoot anything down without even considering it.

    Meh, 2 years late but....Doctors are the best at doing that actually...I'm a medical professional....