women in their 40's

2playhockey Posts: 65
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I've just started keeping track of my diet and exercis on myfitnesspal. I have been unsuccessful in losing weight in the past 2 years with sporadic diet and exercise. I usually stick with it for 4-6 wks but when I don't see any weight loss I give up. As I get older my body doesn't really do what I expect it to do and I'm getting frustrated. The last time I stuck with exercising for 6 wks I started to notice my clothes fitting better but I hadn't lost any weight. Then I got busy with kids and work and had to stop. So all the progress I had made in 6 wks was gone 2 wks later. It's difficult to make the huge commitment to work out 5x/wk for such a little reward. I'm hoping that if I diligently watch my calories it will make a difference. Maybe I'll find other women here that have similar issues.


  • thenewfine
    thenewfine Posts: 2
    I feel you! I have always watched what I ate and exercised but I can no longer eat the same amount as I get older. I have to cut my calories back significantly and amp up the exercise just to maintain! (I'm 50 and my metabolism has slowed waaaaay down)

    So after having the same experiences you have described I've just made peace with the idea that I must eat fewer calories and work out more if I want to maintain. Then pull back on the calories even more if I want to lose.

    I read a book on things to do after you turn 50 and one person's advice was to think 1 meal and 2 snacks, don't really think of eating 3 full meals a day. That concept helps - I do eat 3 meals but two are light. HTH!
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    There is a whole group on here dedicated soley to women over 40. You should find it and join it. Maybe connecting with others will help motivate you. 6 weeks is just about the time you will start to see a difference so if you are always giving up around that time, you won't see much progress. Remember, this needs to be a life style change, not just a quick fix.
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    I understand what you're saying, and I struggle with my weight too. I've lost 7 pounds over the past year. I watch what I eat, and I workout 5 days a week, for 20 minutes a day. I still don't lose weight.

    It's hard to accept that I have to workout harder than others to get the same result. Some people can say "I want to lose 10 pounds", they cut out soda and 10 pounds are gone. I cut soda and nothing, I watch my calories, still nothing. For me to lose weight my doctor recommends vigorous cardio for 60 minutes, 6 days a week. I'm not there yet. Still wanting the quick-fix.

    I want to lose weight, but I don't enjoy working out for 60 minutes 6 days a week in order to do so.

    I do get a kick out of going for a walk with my kids and keeping up with them.
    I do enjoy playing basketball with my kids and not being short of breath
    So the weight might not be coming off, my clothes might not be fitting any looser...but I am getting heathlier.

    Good luck.
  • 2playhockey
    2playhockey Posts: 65
    Thanks everyone! I am definitely motivated to continue now past my usual 6 wk mark. I thought I was eating wrong and doing the wrong type of exercise, but I just think I wasn't giving it enough time. My short term goal is to work hard 4-5x/wk and to keep my calories right for 8 wks. Then I will reassess. I'm hoping for my lifestyle to include cardio just 2-3x/wk so I will probably shoot for that during the summer. Then I can ramp back up in the fall if I still have weight to lose.

    Love this forum--I'm sure I will be back often.
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    If you reply to the link (even if you just type "bump") it will then be under "my topics" when you click on message boards. It will be easy to find then. :smile:
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