I need friends and inspiration!!

32 y/o wife and mother needing to slim down!! I am currently 200 lbs and 5'9". I would like to lose 40 pounds!


  • Feel free to add me ( anyone that is! ) jessakahbuell < username
  • one thing I can say is. Don't stop no excuses not to pull the plug on eating bad things. Plus work out at least three times a week to start. I started by just walking. enrolled in two biggest loser programs at work. I won one. If i can do it so can you.
  • Hi there! I am in the same boat as you, 30 y/o mother of 2 boys and wanting to lose my last 15 lbs and then stay on track after to not allow the weight back again :) Feel free to add me as a friend on here. I don't have any either and I keep seeing that it is easier to continue with MFP if you have friends for inspiration. Good luck and we can do this together :)
  • Thanks everyone!! I was an athlete in my younger years and when I graduated college, I kept eating but forgot about working out! I've slowly inched my way up to 200lbs and now I have 40 lbs to lose!! I have a very supportive husband who always has an encouraging word. He's in the Army, so he's fit and trim and I feel like I don't "match"him!
  • robkaryn
    robkaryn Posts: 2 Member
    I lost about 16 pounds a year and a half ago, and then maintained for the last year. May will be my two year anniversary date. I'm ready to wrap this up and get down the last six pounds. I'm tired of the old numbers, and would like to see some new ones. I have posted pictures on the refrigerator and put the scale next to the door, but it is all in the mind set. I need to get back in the grove. Maybe the right friends will help.
  • I'm 31 and a mother of 5 and a wife too ,we moved in with my mom to care for her due to failing health ,and she's made it her life's goal to fatten me up .I've went from 120 pound range to 153,I'm at 144 right now ,I need friends and motivation ,add me if you want , I'm trying to stay at 1200 calories a day or less ,its so hard ,I'm also 5 foot two
  • Hi! 36 years old wife/mother of 4..I also have no friends yet and could use some motivation. I'm at 167 as of yesterday and am looking to get to 130. I did it three years ago, it felt great, but I gained it all back...looking to changes habits for life this time. Both for weight and overall health. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • robkaryn
    robkaryn Posts: 2 Member
    We are in the same boat, same weight range same height, only I''l claim 2 more inches, if that will make a difference, I would love some support.:wink:
  • Hi I'm new too.... Feel free to add me: Curvygirl1986
    Any inspiration or just feedback, chat or company... I've always found losing weight & excersise hard, & have hardly no motavation :(
    So if anyone needs a buddy, I'm here :) xxx
  • mdrnqt
    mdrnqt Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there! I am an almost 42 year old mother of 2 who has been on here about 2 years, lost weight and gained some back. Looking for new inspiration & support! Would love to have some new friends to travel this journey together : )