do you feel bad when your over your sodium allowance ?

So today is my first day where i seem to have gone over my sodium allowance .... I feel awful : ( I havent yet proven that sodium is the reason why im overweight but from reading the posts on here , it's made feel slightly bad for going over . The prawns , sauce and noodles have made me go over . I guess aslong as i get back to it , thats all that matters .. right? lol
Ive always managed to lose weight in the past and without stalking my sodium intake but since being on here , i have paid a lot more attention to it .


    JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
    I dont really track my sodium intake, but I can definitely tell if I had too much salt. After a salty meal, the next morning I tend to have a hangover, whether or not i had alcohol.
  • kbodnaruk
    I don't feel bad for going over - but for me and my body it does seem to slow my weight loss, add water weight and bloating. I have been more conscious lately to avoid going over on sodium or calories. That seems to work to maintain my losses each week.
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    Used to, not anymore, no need! Just take in some extra water for the day and you're golden.
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    maybe the most that will happen is you just gain water weight the next day and thats why i plan on not weighing tomorrow lol
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    It will make you retain water so ruin your weigh ins!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Um sodium is not on my macro list...*shrug* and I do not think sodium/salt makes people fat or gain fat...maybe I am wrong???
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    You'll probably want to avoid the scale for a few days just to be safe. I'm aost always over my sodium, but if I'm way over-it shows up on the scale 2 days later then tales 2-3 days to go away. It's just water, but if you're going to freak seeing the number on the scale-just stay away for a while.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    I don't track sodium because I don't eat processed foods-- IMO it's the easiest way to avoid sodium (not to mention white carbs, sugar, HFCS, and trans fat!). I wouldn't stress if it's one day, but it's not something I'd make a habit of. US dietary guidelines sets the recommended sodium limit much higher than what it probably should be (in order to avoid hypertension and other bad effects of excessive sodium intake), so personally, I'd even shoot to stay much lower than what MFP recs.
  • maarowak
    Ah, well, I used to worry a lot about it too, but I go overboard at least once a week.
    Don't mind it a lot, it's not going to kill you, nor make you fatter. (-:
    (just, y'know, don't exaggerate and have 5 cans of diet cokes a day haha)
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    id rather have sodium from something reasonably healthy than obvious junk tho . I don'tknow its possible to not have any processed foods , IMO most things in the store are .
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    One week, I had over 7000 mg of sodium every day. This is a very rare occurance for me.

    I didn't feel bad at all. In fact, I felt great! The craziest thing about that week? I still lost 2 lbs! no water weight gain at all...

    I no longer track sodium now. I just eat as healthy as I can, with as few processed foods as possible, and everything works out perfectly. When I start logging foods again (many life events forced me to stop), I'll only focus on carbs, protein, and fat.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    id rather have sodium from something reasonably healthy than obvious junk tho . I don'tknow its possible to not have any processed foods , IMO most things in the store are .

    Don't eat garbage from the store then! Go to the farmer's market and cook your own food. That's what I do 80% of the time. It's really not hard, and doesn't take as much time or effeort as one might think.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I try to get extra potassium if I'm way over on my sodium. This will help your body strike a balance and prevent the bloating and headaches that come from over consumption of sodium.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Sodium isn't the reason anyone is overweight. It can cause you to retain water leading to temporary increases in total body weight, but it doesn't cause you to store any more or any less fat than you otherwise would eating and burning the same number of total calories.

    I physically do not feel healthy when I am consuming too much sodium.. I tend to get more stomach cramps when I'm running and my face looks redder during exercise. I don't feel guilty about going over though. Its going to happen - especially if you are eating out. Just do your best to make the next day better and drink plenty of water.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,815 Member
    I go over almost everyday :sad:
  • Swedgen
    Swedgen Posts: 29
    The main thing I watch for is calories, fat, and carbs, but I try to keep my sodium below the threshold too. It's not easy, especially as soon as you eat something that's processed. Even friggin' a couple of dill pickles out of the jar are packed with sodium. Most of the time I'm right around my limit but I don't worry about it if I go over a little now and then.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    So today is my first day where i seem to have gone over my sodium allowance .... I feel awful : ( I haven't yet proven that sodium is the reason why im overweight but from reading the posts on here , it's made feel slightly bad for going over . The prawns , sauce and noodles have made me go over . I guess aslong as i get back to it , thats all that matters .. right? lol
    Ive always managed to lose weight in the past and without stalking my sodium intake but since being on here , i have paid a lot more attention to it .
    It's suggested now to keep it at 1500 or less for women so that's what mine is now set at. If you eat very little processed food it's easily attainable. I don't have a problem keeping well under it unless I eat junk food.

    I most definitely can tell if my body is over on sodium, I feel sluggish, bloated etc. I guzzle down the water if I get that feeling and getting that excess sodium out as quickly as possible helps me feel back to normal.

    I think it's very important to keep in touch with how much sodium our bodies take in whether we have health issues or not, it's simply not something our body needs excess of or can handle well.

    As you reduce your intake your body adjusts (same as taking in less simple sugars) and it's amazing how things that you ate regularly in the past are simply far too salty to eat now.

    Potassium balances out the sodium in our bodies. I track potassium intake because I'm on medication that depletes mine. If I intake too much sodium and don't keep the potassium levels up, my BP rises and I get edema. I take a prescribed potassium supplement as well.

    With that said, YOU CAN OVERLOAD the potassium and it's dangerous to do so. It can mess up heart rhythm, so don't go taking supplements without knowing what you are doing!

    Also, it's not required on nutrition labels, so you have to do your homework to really track how much you intake. Some items in the database don't list it, but clearly have it. The recommended daily allowance for an adult is 4,700 mg!

    It's no wonder we blow up if we don't eat potassium rich foods! (see link above for a list or Google it)
    an awesome link to potassium rich foods!
    Thanks so much for the info, I didn't know much of it! Yes there are many foods that don't list it so when I've added new foods to the database the Potassium gets left out because so many pkgs. don't contain the amount in the foods. Hopefully that will change for ppl that not only need to know but are interested simply for the sake of learning more.
  • crazy4fids
    I try to stay under. I don't watch it like a hawk, but I am mindful of it. The one that bothers me is the sugar. I am usually over my sugar allotment before noon. Diabetes runs in my family and I crave carbs all the time so this is the one that I really try to watch.
  • keyz1508
    keyz1508 Posts: 22 Member
    I do watch my intake of sodium, sometimes I go ovr, sometimes I dont. I try to drink more water if I do. I stopped feeling bad about it finally!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Does anyone know if a pound of salt weighs as much as a pound of muscle? Or even a pound of fat?

    Answer to the OP: If I felt bad about being over my sodium limit, I would need to be on anti-depressants lol. I don't think there will be a day when I'm not over thanks to my highly processed diet.