PLEASE read. low intensity with significant results

I hurt my knee with insanity so I can not handle high intensity but I do want. To do workout DVDs that will have a significant impact on my body. I want to use the DVD but also get on my Treadmill and kind of setup a combo idea. Please show pics so i can see the results the DVD had for you. Thanks!!!!


  • What low intensity workout DVD' can you recommend that will have a significant impact/ results?
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    What about walk away the pounds by Leslie Sansone (spelling on last name might now be right...)
  • Toumani
    Toumani Posts: 78 Member
    This is not a direct answer to your question, but cycling, on a regular or stationary bike is easy on your knees. If you have back problems, you can try a recumbent bike. Also the best sport with regard to being easy on the joints is swimming. You have to like swimming, but if you do, you can burn a ton of calories in a session

    I've been a swimmer all my life and have weakened ligaments in one knee so something like insanity would just ruin it entirely.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    I injured both my ankles with Insanity after just 3 days! I've dropped over a stone this January from walking and using a kettlebell. All the DVD's, with the exception of Pilates and Yoga get your heart rate going by doing high intensity exercises like jumping etc.
  • How many pounds is a stone?
  • Have u had significant results?
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    14lbs... google it!

    What is significant to you may not match another persons definition of significant. Body re-composition starts in the kitchen, 90% of fat burning is the result of what you eat, not how hard you work out.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Go to youtube they have free videos of everything - you could try before you buy
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Try these free (and low intensity) workouts by Karina and Katrina:

    They have a lot of great free workouts on their YouTube channel.
  • Is there any workouts like 30 day shred that aren't so hard on the knees?
  • Want results like 30ds
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I love the "Bar Method" dvds, particularly the "dancer's body" one. I did a TON of bar method classes at the studio and got great results. My butt has never looked better. Low impact, and effective. I just paired that workout with walking.

    I chose it because I have injuries to work around (hip, knees, ankle)

    Here's what 10-15 pounds lost looked like:


    I've since started doing more high impact workouts, and strength training, and am happy with the progress from that too.

    PS: these workouts are difficult. Low intensity meaning there is no jumping around, but your muscles will shake and burn.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Is there any workouts like 30 day shred that aren't so hard on the knees?

    Here's a low-impact workout I like. It says for beginners but it makes you sweat:
    I'd call this a low-impact alternative to something like the 30 Day Shred.

    If you go to YouTube and search for low-impact cardio workouts you'll find a number of them.
  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
    Bump to follow.
  • I love the "Bar Method" dvds, particularly the "dancer's body" one. I did a TON of bar method classes at the studio and got great results. My butt has never looked better. Low impact, and effective. I just paired that workout with walking.

    I chose it because I have injuries to work around (hip, knees, ankle)

    Here's what 10-15 pounds lost looked like:


    I've since started doing more high impact workouts, and strength training, and am happy with the progress from that too.

    PS: these workouts are difficult. Low intensity meaning there is no jumping around, but your muscles will shake and burn.

    You did awesome!! How often did you do the bar method workouts? And how long did it take u to get those results
  • Is there any workouts like 30 day shred that aren't so hard on the knees?

    Here's a low-impact workout I like. It says for beginners but it makes you sweat:
    I'd call this a low-impact alternative to something like the 30 Day Shred.

    If you go to YouTube and search for low-impact cardio workouts you'll find a number of them.

    Thanks I'm gonna check it out!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member

    I did them 4-5 times a week for about 2 years with daily walking (I was training to be an instructor.) The pictures you're looking at were taken about 5 months apart I believe.

    It's all about patience. It happened slowly.
  • Water Aerobics is how I started out on this weight loss journey and it shed the weight off fast!
    Walking on a treadmill with a little incline is great cardio!
    Zumba burns crazy calories....
  • candypa
    candypa Posts: 73 Member

    I think you're missing my point. I lost 153lbs with OUT doing insanity. That's prett significant. Out of those 153lbs loss, I lost 30lbs by not doing anything due to an injury.

    My point I am trying to get across to you, You can get "results" without doing insanity, and you can lose weight even with an injury. It's all about calories.

    Could you please explain this "it all about the calories?" I have an injury and need to lose about 80+ lbs. How do you figure this?
  • candypa
    candypa Posts: 73 Member

    I think you're missing my point. I lost 153lbs with OUT doing insanity. That's prett significant. Out of those 153lbs loss, I lost 30lbs by not doing anything due to an injury.

    My point I am trying to get across to you, You can get "results" without doing insanity, and you can lose weight even with an injury. It's all about calories.

    See above post. It did not post it as a quote.