kinda sorta maybe

Welp, I'm KIND of a newbie. Haha! I downloaded the app awhile ago, but i've only just started using it consistently, and on my word this makes losing the weight SO EASY! I should have been using this the whole time! I might have already hit my goal!


  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    Welcome! I like this app as well and I try to use it everyday.
  • I lie to myself too much! But trying to be better about writing down my food.
  • i lie to myself too. Thats why i like this so much. Keeps me accountable.
  • Hello. I had been on another site and was not happy. So I found this site. LOVE IT! Wish I had found you before, Good motivator and good way to keeping my food diary and weight control and all. I am hooked and will work with you. I had lost 45 pounds and have 35 mroe to get hip replaced and then need to lose 100 more. I started over 300. I let myself go and now finally looked in the mirror and heard my docotr saying lose weight. So I am slowy doing it. Need lots of motivation and support.