Carb cycling?



  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I just recently started carb cycling, but a little different than you describe.

    Long story short, I did really well losing weight and then quickly gained it all back - not sure why yet, likely life stressors and just not eating as well as I thought. As of right now, no matter what I do, I lose and gain the same 2 - 5 lbs, week after week.

    I just read Choose to Lose by Chris Powell. It's an every other day sorta of thing. Sunday is a free day (eat what you want, if you want) & rest day. Monday is low carb, tuesday high, wednesday low, thursday high, friday low, saturday high. You eat a good filling breakfast of protein and carbs every day. Your low carb days are filled with protein, veggies, and good fats. You eat 5 small meals, every 3 hours. High carb days are complex carbs with every meal., and protein too, of course. On the low carb days, you do your strength training (after a high carb day), and you get cardio 6 days a week. You follow this for 3 weeks then do a "slingshot week" which is high carbs every day for that week, to confuse your body basically. That's the basics.

    In one week I lost 2.2 lbs, and as of this week, it's still off - that's a major feat for me right now! This is just following the high/low days. I haven't gotten back into the groove of working out yet. I'm on week 2 and I'm still down, and the scale is going down more. So, can't wait to see what happens when I add in exercise. So far, it's working, and it's pretty darn easy to incorporate. I highly recommend the book for more info and insight - quick and easy read. It's something I can stick to for sure.

    Good luck!

    I could have written this post. I just started same program last week. I lost 2 lbs last week. I NEVER lose more than a half or so. Today was weigh in for me and I haven't lost any more but AF also started today so its quite possible I'm down a bit more.
    since my weight was the same as last week.

    I also read Tony Venuto's Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle eBook - he also recommends carb cycling as the best way to lose fat and keep muscle.

    In addition to the low carb/high carb days on the choose to lose plan... also alternate lower and higher calories. The cheat day isn't so much a "food free for all" - its more forget about macros and just count the calories. So if you want a donut for breakfast go for it.

    ETA: I have long thought I need to limit my carbs since I have PCOS which makes me more sensititve to carbs. However, I just HATE low carb eating and kNOW I couldn't do it forever. However, only having to do it one day at a time makes it doable. Also, even on the low carb days, you can have a carb at b'fast which really helps me b/c I'm not a big egg fan.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    IDK about that plan in particular, but carb cycling does work, and has been used in he bodybuilding community for a long time.
  • 130livenlean
    130livenlean Posts: 5 Member
    Bump :)
  • kaliyat
    kaliyat Posts: 4
    There's a book out there called, "Choose To Lose" that is about carb cycling as a lifestyle that seems a bit less extreme than the bodybuilding method. You should check it out. I got my copy from Amazon. It seems pretty easy to follow and has recipes too. Hope this helps!
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    It works. I'm gonna be starting that soon. I just want to build up more muscle so I have something to show once I burn off that fat.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    I get the cycling thing but from what I've personally found when I do slip up or decide to have a "cheat day" where I eat grains: high carb, low nutritional value, bloating and cravings for junk and sweets kick in for the following few days. For our local pizza joint this is worth it, but not much else it.

    But if I stick to getting my carbs from lots of fruits and veggies and avoid added sugar I feel great and don't fall into the cravings cycle.

    Just my two cents.

    Sounds like more of a processed food intake thing, not so much an increased carb thing. You can load up on carbs through lots of natural foods that aren't going to have these kinds of issues. (Or at least I'd think you'd be less likely to have this issue as bad.)
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I have been carb cycling for a while now...

    I think it all boils down to a mental game... weight loss is all about the calories... when you take in less than you burn you loose weight... I do 3 or 4 days of <75g carbs... and 1 day of not counting... I think it is because I can do anything for 3 or 4 days... and it is working for me :)
  • byrdamy
    byrdamy Posts: 40
  • koolguy123
    koolguy123 Posts: 1 Member
    When I carb cycle info high med low carb even on high carb day don't go all out jus up your
    Complex carb not eat anything i lose a total of 10 lbs so far in 3 weeks but I also do low intensity cardio and weight lifting
  • 130livenlean
    130livenlean Posts: 5 Member
    Bump :)
  • I have been following the carb cycling by Chris Powell for 2 months. I decided to try it because of years of unsuccessful yo yo dieting I thought maybe it would help jumpstart my metabolism. I did modify it slightly because I have a few diet allergies, and really feel milk, beans and fruit are not evil. On low carb days I keep my carbs at 35%, on high carb days I increase it to 50%. I do count calories also, and have lower fat on high carb days. I excercise very little. So far I have lost 1 pound a week consistently, and that keeps me motivated!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I had not heard of calorie or carb cycling until I had been here a while. But it pretty much seems to be how I normally eat, just not scheduled. My calories are sometimes under and sometimes over..all over the place really. I am always confused..impressed..With people that eat close to the same amount daily.
    Same with carbs. I will have a couple really low days and an occasional high carb day. I just thought my eating was wacky. I guess maybe I can claim a label.

    No advice or anything though. I did lose my 10 pounds in about the time I wanted and have been doing well maintaining. (Well sort off, I lost another pound, but that's OK)
  • powlist
    powlist Posts: 23 Member
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • passmetheducksauce
    passmetheducksauce Posts: 211 Member
    i tried it for a month and i find no difference in terms of losing body fat. if anything, i lost my sanity because i felt lethargic and tired when consuming low carbs so i stopped doing it. i stick with high carbs and high protein and aim to keep fats under 50 grams per day.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Carb cycling SUCKS!!! I tried it for like a week and then i gave up, lol. Now i just try to only eat 100 grams on non lifting days, and then on lifting days I just try to not exceed my set macros. I'd say give it a try though! Maybe it won't be as hard for you. Good luck :)
  • MAV9855
    MAV9855 Posts: 32 Member
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    I just started. I am down 3.5 lbs since saturday -- still on the low-carb days.
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    I did the Chris Powell carb cycling last year...was on it for about two months and lost 8 pounds. Then life got crazy...and I slacked. Back on it now. This is day 2 of week three, and I have only lost a pound. What I find odd is that when I did it last time, I didn't track anything. Just ate protein and carbs at every meal like he suggests. Now I am on MFP and tracking EVERYTHING...down to a packet of mayo, and it is taking me longer to lose. Any one have any thoughts on this?