pregnancy safe exercise

hay id love to no some good safe Pregnancy safe exercies i am 11 weeks and i feel kinda lazy i need to get back into the shape of things :) but safley haha.


  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    hay id love to no some good safe Pregnancy safe exercies i am 11 weeks and i feel kinda lazy i need to get back into the shape of things :) but safley haha.

    pretty much anything you have done before you got pregnant. In the second half of your pregnancy, things like biking, roller blading, etc are not going to be safe anymore due to your altered center of balance.

    I do see hugely pregnant women at the gym on the treadmill, elliptical, and recumbent bikes...
  • 2204givme
    i didnt do any thing thats y i am like this i was a lazy bum now i need some exercise safe ideas
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    NO CORE WORK. You can wind up with split abdominal muscles. No sit-ups, crunches, plank, etc.

    Walking, swimming, hiking (safely), yoga, tai chi, pregnancy-specific exercise videos, elliptical, light aerobics (not too much jumping is the main thing--can be vigorous if there's not too much bouncing around), light jogging on dirt or treadmill (not concrete or asphalt; and not in the later months when there's more weight that would "bounce"), biking.... That's all that comes to mind right now. Mainly stay away from heavy bouncing/jumping, abdominal work, and things with too much spinning or quick movements.

    And definitely make sure to STAY HYDRATED, and get good electrolytes--salt your food! You have increased blood volume, so your water AND salt (high-mineral sea salt is best--the more color the better) both need to increase as well to keep you from developing pre-eclampsia. And stop when you need to. Don't be afraid to take short breaks or to stop early, if you feel that you need to. Listen to your body.

    And of course, check with your OB or midwife on things like how much weight you can lift.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I continued running 3-4 miles a day until my 9th month of pregnancy. My doctor said it was fine and what ever I was doing beofre the pregnancy I could keep doing as long as the prgnancy was going well.
  • travelgirl77
    travelgirl77 Posts: 99 Member
    As others have said, you can really do anything, but I would not try and start something completely new. I ran until I was four months and then I walked every single day, even during the summer heat. It was so wonderful...really. I also did the Summer Sanders prenatal video, which I enjoyed. I had a very, very healthy pregnancy this second time around and I contribute that to exercising, eating right, and drinking so much water I thought I would never leave the bathroom! I think there is a board on here regarding pregnancy that is split into various trimesters. You may want to check that out!