Is there anything that you don't log?



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I don't log mustard, diet beverages or most seasonings. Anything more than 10 calories I log though, because it can add up quick.

    i don't log these either.

    as well as some of the vegetables i eat like spinach, kale carrots and cucumbers. the calorie count is minimal so it would probably take me as many calories to log it as to eat it
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    I don't log the pack of sugar free gum I chew throughout the day
  • kniga025
    kniga025 Posts: 7 Member
    Alcohol. I don't drink too often but when I do, I'm probably not going to remember everything I had by the end of the night... :drinker:
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Coffee creamer and undisclosed lashings of bacon. And the occasional peanut.
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    I dont log gum or mints, and i dont track my water. I drink it, i just dont record it.
  • Spices.
  • I don't log my green tea or vitamins.
  • I usually forget to log my water, and i dont bother logging my green tea because there arent any calories and i usually forget anyway. Other than that its usually a spice i use to cook or if someone offers my a bite of what they are having... everything else is measured, weighed, and entered!
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I don't log water as it's just not necessary to do so. I try to log everything else as I want to track the calories and nutrient data to allow me to adjust with any trends I see in it.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I drink unsweetened hot tea in the a.m. & cold unsweet tea later in the day and dont worry about logging. Guess I should but , oh well.
  • JulieBGoood
    JulieBGoood Posts: 120 Member
    Pretty much the only thing I don't log is when I put lettuce on a sandwich, it's just such a small amount that I don't know how to log it.
  • jflori
    jflori Posts: 25
    i've been doing really poorly at logging. i eat a lot of butter, and i'd say that's the #1 thing i log least. (aka never)
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    my coffee; I drink it black; spices
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    I don't specifically log butter or oil that I cook with, I will usually just factor it into what I made to eat. Unless I added it to a mixture and it was measured out specifically for a recipe. I also don't log tastes, I just tend to factor them into the meals, they wouldn't be enough to sweat over most of the time anyway.

    I try to be very honest with myself. In case I forgot to log anything I leave 100-200 calories leeway at the end of the day.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I don't log tea, water, herbs & spices, and supplements. I have massive portion distortion though so it helps keep me aware.
  • chl823
    chl823 Posts: 48
    I log everything including water, tea, and my daily vitamin supplement. I do this just to remind me to take my vitamins and I never would drink water before I started fitness pal, now I do and if helps me track to drink 8 glasses a day.
  • BuckeyeBabe10
    BuckeyeBabe10 Posts: 204 Member
    I log everything - from the ice cubes I use to make my smoothies to breath mints and advil...

    I also only log water as strike water - I don't count any tea, coffee, or water based beverage as part of my daily water intake, just strictly bottled/tap water. And my exercise is actual intended workout exercise - from the minute I start my warm up to the last second of my cool down, and that's it. Even if my heart rate is still up or I have to "walk back" to my apt from the gym, I don't count that as intentional exercise.

    To each their own - I say, if it's working for your(and it's detrimental to your overall health in the long run) and you're seeing results, then cheers to you. :o)
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    I think they only things I don't log regularly are certain spices (Mrs Dash primarily) and the little bits of grated parmesan I put on steamed veggies and pasta. Those few sprinkles probably about to 15 calories and a little bit of sodium, but without measuring -- not like I'm going to bust my gut. Oh and the olive oil / spray oil I use when cooking. Again minimal calories/fat that in the long run doesn't make a bit dent in things.

    The rest I log so I can use MFP as I want -- see what I'm eating and when and make adjustments as needed.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    herbs and spices (not containing any salt or sugar), purely because I can't be arsed messing about adding it all in for the sake of two calories.

    Same for me, I don't bother logging spices. I log just about everything else though, which most certainly includes milk.
  • deniselynn13
    deniselynn13 Posts: 120 Member
    I log everything - from the ice cubes I use to make my smoothies to breath mints and advil...

    I also only log water as strike water - I don't count any tea, coffee, or water based beverage as part of my daily water intake, just strictly bottled/tap water. And my exercise is actual intended workout exercise - from the minute I start my warm up to the last second of my cool down, and that's it. Even if my heart rate is still up or I have to "walk back" to my apt from the gym, I don't count that as intentional exercise.

    To each their own - I say, if it's working for your(and it's detrimental to your overall health in the long run) and you're seeing results, then cheers to you. :o)

    ^^^This!!!!^^^ I literally log EVERYTHING! And while some might think it is obsessive, i was of the mindset of not logging little things because i didn't think they mattered. It wasn't until i realized the fresh garlic i used in cooking had quite a bit more calories than i thought. All those fresh veggies? They still have calories. Those spices, herbs, condiments, supplements etc. all have calories, carbs, sodium and/or sugars that add up! I am also in this to truly eat clean and healthy and am training to compete. I agree, to each his.her own and do what works for you!