California Friends? (Northern here)

Just curious to see how many people from California are on here!

Age: 22 (23 in Feb)
Start Weight: 270.2
Current Weight: 264.6
Goal Weight 170 --> Maybe lower at some point, but I love curves ;]
Height: 5'6


  • Hi! I'm from Southern Cal...
  • veratrish
    veratrish Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in So Cal Newport Beach I think I'm the biggest person in the city lol
  • dreamer2452
    dreamer2452 Posts: 22 Member
    Southern Cali
  • I'm in So Cal Newport Beach I think I'm the biggest person in the city lol

    I live in Orange county for a few years and I felt the same way! lol
  • SoCal, northern LA county.
  • TeenTwinkleToes
    TeenTwinkleToes Posts: 119 Member
    Haha I think I need to move to South! Seems no one is near San Francisco!

    But hey! Nice to meet fello California people!
  • emilyspencer1
    emilyspencer1 Posts: 1 Member
    Also SoCal (mainly), sometimes Central Coast depending on the time of year and where I happen to be working. At least that's a little closer to you. :)
  • amyb108
    amyb108 Posts: 4 Member
    Central Valley of California here, Grew in in the north bay. Sebastopol to be exact. Miss it everyday!