What motives me.

I have a picture that I seem to look at every single day. I have no idea who she is, or where she is from. I do know that in May 2011, she weighed as much as I do now. In April 2012, she was down to my goal weight. Her 'before' body is shaped a lot like mine. Her 'after' body looks like mine when I was in boot camp at Ft. Jackson, SC.
It's certainly motivational.
What motivates me more, though, is the idea that someone else might someday have a similar picture of me. A random stranger encouraging them to keep going. Reminding them that it can be done. That they, too, will one day look like that beautiful stranger who used to look like they do now.

What motivates you?


  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    That's good!!! I think we all need some type of motivation like that!!
  • lisadiane41
    I think my children motivate me. I want to be healthy for them.
  • danamariers
    danamariers Posts: 155 Member
    The boat-load of cute summer clothes I bought almost 2 years ago from a trip to Vegas that I could barely fit into then, and totally can't now because I convinced myself I would be careful enough with my eating. By summer I will wear them, and make them look good because I am competitive, vain and have seen enough of my family get sick from being heavy- I will not be a statistic/candidate for medications prescribed for preventable diseases.
  • xoxomarshmallow

    She motivates me! I need her figure lol :)
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    The under armour women's commercial.


    Sweat. Every. Day.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    I've got too many motives to count, but my major ones are:

    1. I'm the biggest guy at work.
    2. I have six pairs of pants (and several shirts) that I can't wear anymore.
    3. The fact that being this obese can take 10 years off my life.
    4. My "Gas Hog" Jeep is 9 years old already. I want my next car to be a normal sedan with good gas mileage.
    5. I want to look normal for a change.