Husband unhappy with my weight :(



  • emills1970
    emills1970 Posts: 118 Member
    You need to be comfortable in your own skin and if you think you'll feel best being in the 160's then that's what your goal should be. At the end of the day you have to be happy and it sounds like in order to make your husband happy would cause you to be unhappy and that's not fair to you! I'm sure he will come around once he see how healthy 160 looks on you! Just focus on your goals and everything else will fall into place!
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with this issue. I know it can be frustrating when your significant other who should be the one that lifts you up can bring you down. I do however believe that you should focus on a weight goal that is in the healthy range. I'm similar to your height (just about 1.5 inches taller). l I know BMI is not perfect but according to that your weight should be less than 140 lbs unless you are very very muscular. I think aiming for that weight or close to that will be healthiest for you. I have known women who lost a lot of weight and didn't feel like themselves after their weight loss, but eventually you will get used to the healthy weight. I also don't think that you should focus on what other guys around you find attractive. Especially if what is attractive is not healthy. I don't live in the Caribbean. However, here in United States, a somewhat similar but ironic situation is more prevalent. Because of the media and the fashion industry, super skinny weights can be considered attractive and some people starve themselves in order to get the physique portrayed in runways although its unhealthy. It shows that you should not focus on what other people around you find attractive. Aim for a healthy weight.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    That is a sensitive issue. Maybe you guys could work towards better health together. I would be surprised if you didn't prefer to be lighter than 160 at your height.
  • NitaGFit
    NitaGFit Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm La'Nita and I've started this journey because I truly desire to change my eating habits to better my health. You really have to do this for yourself and having support goes a very long way. Hopefully Angie your husbands will support your endeavor without pressure and Emills you are absolutely right about being happy with yourself.