weight loss help. im trying so hard here..



  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Correct me if I am wrong, but for very large people, doesn't sudden, drastic weight loss lead to more excess skin? Slower weight loss gives the skin time to adjust to the new body?
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    Correct me if I am wrong, but for very large people, doesn't sudden, drastic weight loss lead to more excess skin? Slower weight loss gives the skin time to adjust to the new body?

    I actually have never read anything scientific on this although I've heard it many times and it seems to make sense. This did cross my mind when reading the original post but honestly, as has been alluded too in other posts, reality is, the average weight loss will probably end up being slower than 4-5 lb a week over the entire process and for your health I think you're better off just losing the weight. That's my take on it.
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    I agree, short term if you have several hundred pounds to lose, then 4-5 is great and if you lose lean body mass, well that is acceptable as you will still have a ton left over. Also, it's cost benefit. Sometimes just getting below a certain threshold will automatically make it safer. But it would be curious to see at the end of a journey, what was your true average weight loss. Some weeks it might be a lot, some it might not be any. But the ability to lose large amounts of weight early is limited to those who have never dieted and those who are obese.

    For the OP, eating more will benefit as he has little to lose. Also, with more food, he will see greater results in his exercise routine.

    Agreed, however, given that he's currently losing at a good rate I personally would stick with what he's doing. If the weight loss slows/stops or there is concern about lean mass (if his BF% isn't dropping) then he could adjust his intake. In other words, don't try fix what isn't broken.
  • lythy77
    lythy77 Posts: 33 Member
    well half way through reading some of these posts i decided to raise my calories to 2k. and i have gone +2lb this morning :(
    feels like i can never have a treat or something slightly fatty without putting a dam stone on. sad panda this morning.
    im hoping its just water weight. i was at the gym yesterday also.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    If 1 Ibs every few days doesn't seem like much, then maybe you have been watching too much 'Biggest Loser', lol ?

    SERIOUSLY!! I don't see anything to complain about!
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    17 pounds in a month. What was the issue again?
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    well half way through reading some of these posts i decided to raise my calories to 2k. and i have gone +2lb this morning :(
    feels like i can never have a treat or something slightly fatty without putting a dam stone on. sad panda this morning.
    im hoping its just water weight. i was at the gym yesterday also.

    Don't stress over this When you first increase calories, you often have a temporary spike on the scale. Especially if you upped calories all at once, versus a gradual increase of, say, 100 cals per day each week. Also, if you've had a meal high in sodium or carbs, it can cause water retention that makes your weight spike.

    Both these issues should resolve in a few days. Within a week or two, the scale will probably start to drop again, as long as you have a reasonable calorie deficit. Good luck - and keep doing what you're doing. You've made great progress so far!
  • lythy77
    lythy77 Posts: 33 Member
    you often have a temporary spike on the scale. Especially if you upped calories all at once,

    thank you this was the answer i was seeking. im just so desperate to get this weight off me. i have gone from a lazy bum to gym freak. stopped the binge eating and trying so hard...
    so im sorry to all if i seem really pushy, im just so determined to change my life and want to get it right..
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    i only seem to be losing weight really slowly. now i know this is fine if you are a little overweight but im really obese.
    i have tried the 6 meals a day.. and now trying the intermittent fasting, i seem to just lose the same 1lb every 2 days.
    im training hard at the gym 5 days a week. plus sit ups and press ups at home every night..
    i have also tried 1700 calories and dropped it to 1500. weight loss stays the same.

    can anyone check my meals and point out if im going wrong or eating to much etc.

    weight now 239.54
    bmi 40.
    hight 67.2 inch
    35 . male.

    I took a look at your food diary and to me it looks like you are not eating nearly enough veggies and I don't really see any fruits. Sending you friend request and I have an open food diary. I eat three main meals and 2 to 3 snacks a day. I am always eating it seems and my calories run around 1200 to 1400 daily. Maybe a look at some healthier diarys may help you. :)
  • lythy77
    lythy77 Posts: 33 Member

    ok i have done that site and it says..

    male 35
    @ 249 lb
    68.4 inch high.

    BMR (Calories) 2256
    Activity (Calories) 2256
    Total Calories 4512

    resting 8
    very light 10
    light 2
    moderate 4
    heavy 0
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    If you bmr is 2200, you really shouldnt be eating less than that. If you eat less than your metabolic rate it will adapt and slow down. Also you cant gain new fat unless its greater than your tdee. I believe you calculation is off but try to eat around 2200-2500 and you should be good. Btw, stop looking at weight loss as a daily thing, its more about monthly trends.
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    I understand that initial desperation. You have generated the desire and the motivation to solve your weight problem and you feel like you have to make it all happen NOW. It's an obsession, all you want is to reach your goals. I wrote a blog posting once on obsession and weight loss, shameless plug here, although I haven't updated the blog in a year:


    Essentially, I think when losing a lot of weight we need to be a little obsessed. However, you need to try and harness this energy and use it in a healthy way. Try to realize that it's going to take some time, no matter how motivated you are to lose it all, it will take a good period of time. As I said earlier, focus on smaller goals, almost ignore the ultimate goal, it's out there in the distance somewhere, just over the horizon. You know it's there, you're heading in direction, but in between is a bunch of milestones like islands in a large barren ocean providing safe harbor from time to time. You can't sprint a marathon, but you can have dogged determination to reach the finish line and can perhaps pick up the pace from time to time.

    Enough with the analogies, I think you get the point. :)

    As I said, if your still losing and not feeling like you're going to chew the leg off a chair, then keep doing what you're doing. When the weight loss slows, then consider changing your approach.