4lb gain over 2 days, where did i go wrong?

My TDEE is 1707, I set MFP to 1700. I was losing steadily and all of a sudden have a 4lb gain since Friday. Diary is public, can some one point out where I went wrong? Friday was a morning play date, I missed breakfast, everything except the chicken sandwich was ate at the play date. The sandwich was later in the day. Too many breads? Or can it being almost my monthly time add on that much weight?


  • sclarktiw
    sclarktiw Posts: 217
    My TDEE is 1707, I set MFP to 1700. I was losing steadily and all of a sudden have a 4lb gain since Friday. Diary is public, can some one point out where I went wrong? Friday was a morning play date, I missed breakfast, everything except the chicken sandwich was ate at the play date. The sandwich was later in the day. Too many breads? Or can it being almost my monthly time add on that much weight?

    Both my wife and daughter on on MFP and they have the exact issue the week before that time of the month...my money and sanity is on that reasoning....anywhere from 3-6 lbs depending on the liquid intake!
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    Maybe too much sodium? You might want to track that. It will make you retain fluids which could be where the 4 pounds came from.
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    Mother Natures bounty maybe-bread does it for me too keep going and it'll go :flowerforyou:
  • TisheaDH
    TisheaDH Posts: 32 Member
    Water retention can be a bear to deal with. Don't take a little picture view of this. You've been losing steadily and it has only been two days. Check your weight again in a week and if you see you're on an upward climb then adjust accordingly.

    If you don't take your measurements I would suggest that you do so. I gained 4 pounds since my measurements last week, but I know that it is due to hormonal water retention. My measurements have decreased by an average of .5 inches so I'm ok with the overall big picture view of where I am fitness wise.

    Have a groovy day!:smile:
  • Hmm... Could be:

    a) Stress

    b) Bloatedness from being on your period

    c) You might wanna spread your calories out a bit more. A couple more meals/snacks a day, fewer calories in each

    d) You might be hitting a plateau. Change your fitness regime a bit. Adding strength training will often help you out of a plateau

  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
  • I would start tracking your sodium. That is usually what causes me to gain in a short amount of time. Up your protein, drinks lots of water to flush the system out. It takes about 2 days to get rid of the extra salt, but the weight should stabilize itself after that.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Do you mean TDEE or BMR?

    Some possibilities off the top of my head:
    1. Too much sodium
    2. Time of the month
    3. Significant change to your exercise regimen
    4. You haven't pooped recently
  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
    First do you mean your BMR is 1707? That would be more likely.

    Yes your period usually means water retention and 4lbs could definitely be due to that. Some will avoid the scale during that time others track it to know the pattern.

    For you to have gained 4lbs of fat you would have had to eat 14,000 calories over your TDEE. So most likely not that.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Do you mean TDEE or BMR?

    Some possibilities off the top of my head:
    1. Too much sodium
    2. Time of the month
    3. Significant change to your exercise regimen
    4. You haven't pooped recently


    Pretty much any time you have a sudden disproportionate gain it's water or food in the digestive tract. That said, if your TDEE is 1707, you'll maintain at 1700.

    If water retention is something you want to be able to predict, tracking sodium can help. It doesn't hinder fat loss but it can mask it and make you think you've gained when you haven't.

    My weight fluctuates about 3 pounds. Just remember the scale measures trends. You'll have ups and downs, as long as the overall trend is down you're good.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I'm going to guess either sodium bloat or PMS bloat. This past month I literally gained 10lbs in PMS bloat!
  • Phoenix212
    Phoenix212 Posts: 54 Member
    Yes, it's definitely something to consider if you're near your time of the month. That'll do it nearly every time. Give it a week and try not to stress about it! Some things that may help:

    - Herbal tea that aids with digestion and water loss like raspberry leaf, green, ginger, etc.
    - foods like celery and asparagus also aid in loss of water retention
    - watch your sodium for the next day or two

    Should be back to normal weight loss in no time :) Good luck!
  • lizamarie9878
    lizamarie9878 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I'm really thinking it's PMS, after thinking about it more. I looked at my sodium and I've actually been better on it the past few days than I was in the past week, when I lost another 1lb. I'll pay more attention to that, but I'm going to pray for a period soon and try not to stress over it. :)