Weight watchers and Insanity

stacibuk Posts: 276 Member
Is anyone doing or have done weight watchers and insanity? How did it work for you? Did you eat your activity points back. Also, if not weight watchers, what types of food did you eat?


  • stacibuk
    stacibuk Posts: 276 Member
  • I am not doing weight watchers but I am on week 2 of Insanity. I had pretty good results the first time I did Insanity (fell off the wagon about 1/2 way through - holidays). I really was not watching what I ate first time. This time I have been ruthless with diet - very little carbs or sugar or processed anything. I do eat my activity points back - starving otherwise - but I am generally under and have some calories "left over" which I use to splurge on wine or dinner out on the weekend.
  • lina_romo
    lina_romo Posts: 17 Member
    I've done weight watchers! It worked really well for the first 25-30 pounds but then I plateaued for a month or two and came here. I never used my exercise points or bonus points but I know a lot of people do. Instead I decided that if I stuck to the program perfectly for 10 days I would get a cheat day (didn't go SUPER crazy though! Just a nice dinner out somewhere without counting points).
    I ate a LOT of fruits and vegetables and tried to stay away from bread and processed foods. Diet coke was a huge one to kick out of my system but I managed haha. I also exercised 4-5 times a week for at least 45 minutes, which is probably what made the biggest difference. I think if you're really strict with your points, drink a LOT of water and exercise religiously you should be grand. Best of luck!! If you have anything questions or want to talk about something don't hesitate to message me! I feel like I know that diet inside out :)
  • Hi
    I was also wondering this, im on day 4 of insanity alongside weightwatcher (only started wwatchers on days 2 of insanity) and found that i was so hungry by the time evening came that i had to use my activity points which i didnt want to. I'm hoping that as i progress through it i will become a little less hungry. How are you finding insanity? are you also using weightwatchers alongside it?
  • I have been doing Weight Watcher's and am down 7 pounds from when I started two weeks ago... I haven't tried Insanity but heard it is awesome! I almost always eat my "extra weekly points" that they give you but don't eat my workout points I earn and I continue to lose... The best advice I can give is to not get discouraged... And to stick with it even when you hit your goal. I did WW before and lost about 28 pounds and then I quit, only to gain it all back and then some! Now I am taking it serious and know that I will be one of those people who will track my food for life. Otherwise i know it will all creep back on.

    I eat lots of lean protein and try to stay "clean" when it comes to other items... Staying away from as much processed stuff as possible. Eating lots of fruits and veggis and whole grains.

    Good luck on your journey, everyone!
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