Spinng class!!

RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
Going to attempt my first spinning class ever tonight. Any words of advise or encouragement!?


  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    Drink lots of water , before, druing and after. DO NOT try to keep up with the class! Whatever you do - will kick your butt- in such a good way. You want to be able to walk tomorrow. Go - know that you ar edoing a great thing by showing up. I am sure you will get addicted and this will be your new found "calorie buster" Enjoy!
  • oliveoil7979
    oliveoil7979 Posts: 112
    I had my first spin class last week. My best advise. Get there a little bit early and ask the intructor help you get your settings correct on you bike. I didn't want to make a fuss, but my sister made me, and I have to admit it made a huge differnce.

    My second piece of advise just let yourself get completley into it. Just do what ever the instructor tells you to and you will have a great workout.

    And lastly.. HAVE FUN :tongue:
  • ctmurrill
    ctmurrill Posts: 1
    Go at your own pace and your bottom might be a little sore tomorrow but you burn alot of calories!! Have fun!
  • staceylynn073
    I did my first spinning class last week. The instructor told me to pay attention to my breathing (deep breaths) and to listen to my body. Meaning, if you feel like you are going to die, slow down. It's your first class. As my instructor last week said, "if you make it through the whole hour and don't stop, consider it a success." Even if you don't do everything exactly how everyone else does, just set the goal as completing the class!

  • RhondaCrombie
    RhondaCrombie Posts: 292
    Have a BLAST! Spin is my FAVE exercise. In fact, I am going to class in just a few minutes.

    I agree. Get there early to get a bike that you are comfortable with. Get the settings right, and try EVERYTHING you can. Don't be upset if you don't do everything just right for a while. It took me 4 classes to really get up to the level of doing everything my instructor did.

    Hope you enjoy it!
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Bring a towel to wipe the sweat and a towel to sit on. Those seats are killer on the bum. Have fun!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks for all the great advise! I'm pretty nervous about it. I've been trying to talk myself into it for about 2 weeks and I think I'm finally just going to go for it tonight!
  • medrewiske
    medrewiske Posts: 51 Member
    Do your knees ever get sore after a spin class? Or is it just your bottom that gets sore?
  • lovergirlcharm
    Your butt will definitely be sore tomorrow, so be prepared for that. :bigsmile: Just go at your own pace though. You don't have to "crank her up" each time you are told to...I didn't anyway, lol. Good luck.
  • MeganJo
    MeganJo Posts: 69
    I LOVE spinning! Definitely make sure you have someone help you make sure your settings are correct (and make sure they tell you how to figure that out so you can do it yourself). Your butt will hurt from the seat, it sucks but totally worth it. The class I used to take was an hour long and my instructor said if we did everything he was telling us we could expect to burn at least 800 calories it was super intense but I loved every second of it. Enjoy! =]
  • sweetrevenge
    sweetrevenge Posts: 188
    Get a gel seat when you have an extra $18.00, it's worth it and your butt will thank you. I could never spin with out a gel seat. Other advice would be, don't pay attention to anyone but the instructor, don't worry about keeping up with everyone else. Go at your pace and just don't stop even if you have to slow down. Good Luck and Congrats!
  • SarahBC
    SarahBC Posts: 72 Member
    I actually teach spinning class, couple of thing:
    1. drink bottle
    2. sweat towel.
    3. setting up the bike is important make sure the seat is at hip height, when your foot is at 6 o'clock your knee needs to have a slight bend but not to much, and at three oclock and nine oclock make sure your knees are not over your toes...
    4. go at your own pace the instructor is there for motivation
    5. HAVE FUN
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I would like to thank all you lovely ladies for all your words of wisdom and encouragement. I am home from my first spin class! I loved it!! I didn't do too too much with adjusting the resistance, minor tweaks. But what's important is I kept going the whole class and burned 568 calories! I'm leaving for vacation on Thursday but I definitely plan to make this at least a weekly workout. My legs were sore before hand but I made it through! My butt definitely did start to get sore. I will have to invest in one of those gel seats. It's all a good sore. Very excited I made it through! Thanks again!

    Sarah-Thanks so much for the advise on where to adjust my seat! I was clueless!