Ok gross but here goes....."dumping syndrome"



  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Oh dear I do sympathise. I had something similar just this last week and I rarely suffer any stomach type problems after eating. I did not particularly overindulge but I had a chicken fillet that tasted very salty not added by me but I think it was in the brand freezing process. The other was the Giant beans in tomato sauce, which were lovely, but also shop bought. I rarely add salt to my cooking and am most definitely putting it down to that. I can ay I will be buying neither again.

    The over indulgence is very likely to get the bowels moving that along with all the added extras in the cooking process probably have not helped.
    Hope you are feeling better now!
  • I don't believe it's true dumping syndrom. I just thing your body had a bad reaction to that much change so quickly. Now that I'm eating pretty healthy and only drinking water..if I take a break and eat too much sugar or too many really bad carbs I get a pretty upset stomach. I guess you have to pick and choose what you want to eat when you go out. I went out with friends last night and ordered fries with my drinks..felt like total crap after I got home later because I'm used to eating pretty healthy and the fries were pretty greasy (yuck!). Probably just something we all have to deal with if we want to make these changes for ourselves. Hope you're feeling better!
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    I don't know if it is dumping syndrome but when I have a food bender it does go right through me and I feel hungover the next day.
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    This happened to me when I at Qdoba a couple of weeks ago. I think at some point your stomach/body just gets used to you eating smaller, healthier meals-- and when you upset that pattern by eating more, less healthy... just generally "heavier" foods, your body gets upset and tries to get back to the healthier state.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I know it's awful, but if I ever dive back into a carb/sugar binge I hope this happens to me so I'll never do it again!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Junk food hangovers. Took a day off from MFP early last year, ate loads of cr*p including pizza, and spent the next day with full hangover symptons. Good thing though, put me right off of pizza :smile:
  • Ive never heard of this happening to anyone who hasn't had surgery, but I guess it can. I had wieght loss surgery 2 years ago and dumping has happened to me in the same way that it happened to you. Sugar and food that turn into high amounts of sugar is what it tiggers it for me. I don't eat any sugar now unless it's like say milk proteirn sugar. And that helps. Dumping is NEVER something you want to happen. I've heard it compared to having a stroke.
  • LadyRoff
    LadyRoff Posts: 56 Member
    I am so glad that I read your post, as I have always suffered with IBS and I have never heard of this "dumping syndrome", but it rings so true to me!!

    This happened to me last night, and I thought it was the fact that I had been stressed with the fact that I had to travel on Friday night/Saturday morning (very stressful considering my Ibs problems), but everything you explained makes sooooo much sense!

    Thank you!

    Oh and also, I am really sorry that you felt like that, I know how awful it is, and it is soooo hard to not indulge.

    I hope you feel better as the day goes on. Drink lots of water and try not to eat too much, give your tummy a bit of a break.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Could be food poisoning, could be a bug, could be dumping syndrome. This also sounds similar to what I sometimes experience with IBS.
  • Nory143
    Nory143 Posts: 53 Member
    This happened to me right after holloween. I ate quite a few milk duds and woke up in the moring in agony. Haven't had any desire to eat candy since.
  • 1capegirl
    1capegirl Posts: 7 Member
    Just seeing this thread. I have experienced 'dumping syndrome' as a result of having gastric bypass surgery 11 years ago. It was trial and error after recovering and finding out what my body could no longer process. I always have to balance carbs with protein, fat, etc. If I do that it's 'all good'. I forget on occasion, usually with carbs. Not over-eating, but just not in 'balance', and yuck! Can't tolerate more than a bite of anything fried....one fried clam is plenty :) I was told I am also hypoglycemic. Even citrus fruit or juice can cause a major problem. Anything with natural sugar has to be taken with protein to balance.
  • I had the same thing just today. So I think it is called dumping syndrome. At leasts looks like that. I started eating healthy for a month now and last week I ate one or two servings of french fries for dinner. I Had hard time sleeping that night and I had series of diarrhea the next day. The same thing happened again today when I splurged on extra Nutella and Popcorn- 2 hours later I was in the bathroom. I wonder is that normal reaction of the body.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I never knew what it was, but this used to happen when I was in the army to some people. Sometimes we would get to go to an event during training, like fourth if July during basic. We had access to real Pizza Hut pan pizza, ice bream bars, candy bars, soda, chips. It was really common for a number of soldiers to get sick like that. Heir bodies just weren't used to that stuff anymore or something. That or they ate way too much.
  • That's why splurging is never worth it...I always regret going all out because I end up feeling awful and bloated for days afterwards
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Something similar happens to me when I eat non home-cooked meals. If there's too much msg, salt or sugar, I tend to bloat, get itchy with hives and just feel gross. I try not to go "all out" anymore if I go out to eat. It just wrecks havoc on my stomach and digestive system. Not fun :noway:
  • Lesa1129
    Lesa1129 Posts: 66 Member
    This can also happen if you are taking Metformin for Diabetes....
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    It's not "dumping syndrome" it's overindulging. I too will have an upset stomach if i over indulge after i've been "good" for so long. It's a terrible feeling. nauseas, bloated stomach, diarrhea, my stomach could literally feel like it was going to explode!

    I couldn't even sleep because my stomach was so full and upset. Not food poisoning because everyone ate it and not the flu because you'd KNOW. It wouldn't go away so quickly… the flu can last 7-10days
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    BTW this happened to me just last night when I ate Barberitos! I think it's just eating too much and too crappy of foods
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    If you think about it - this makes perfect sense. So you have an excess "bulk" of material which is pushing against tight muscle and you have just expanded your stomach and intestinal tract to maximum - this has gotta cause some kind of discomfort alone. You have supplied a significant amount of energy to your system your body - this throws your body out of homeostasis - you flood your blood system with simple sugars and all sorts of other nutrients so you are on a carb / sugar high (no wonder the poor body cannot sleep) and the heart is racing since - There is an excessive amount of food than your body can absorb but come hell or high water your body is going to try to - "OK guys lets ramp things up put systems on OT and make hay while the sun shines" - in the meantime you have all these fats that have nowhere to go, the sugars / carbs are likely your bodies first option for storage so for the rest of the fats and proteins we will fill what we can and the rest lubricates the remaining mess through the intestinal tract to the inevitable exit.