The Scale is not my freind ....HELP

I had one of my MFP friends ask a question yesterday about my ticker not changing. The answer was ….I don’t weigh myself every week…..I have the body type that gains muscle really fast so the scale doesn’t change or I gain weight and I get discouraged. I now..I now..muscle weighs more than fat.. My husband has asked me time and time again to start weighing myself every week. But I don’t. I look at the scale every morning but don’t get on it. My MFP friends have helped me so much to stay motivated and the scale has not been my friend in the past. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated…


  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    Scales can be the worst enemy sometimes! If you do want to check on your progress but not get discouraged by water fluctuations then monthly weighing might be better for you. Or you could take other measurements instead - waist circumference etc.

    Try to remember that eating healthily and exercising is much more important than the number on the scales so if the number is discouraging then I think you are right to go without weighing.

    Good luck!
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Who needs a scale??? If you're successful weighing in "once in a while" - so what?

    Other people are asking for numbers? Why? I don't understand what they're trying to do :)
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I say forget the scale and go by measurements!! They are much more accurate, if you are gaining muscle/losing fat your measurements are gonna change....I hate the scales, they flucuate way to much if you get on them often.
    You are doing great regardless, so just keep it up!:wink:
  • Always_lil_j
    My scale is my worst enemy. I wish I had the willpower you have to stay off of it. I cant even stay off for a whole day. I seriously have problems lol. Mainly you should just measure yourself and see those numbers change. That is the only thing that really helps me
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Weigh in when you want to weigh in. If you'd rather weigh in once a month, weigh in once a month. As long as you're keeping track of what you eat and how much you exercise then you should be ok. The only downside to weighing in less often is that it takes longer for you to notice if something's not working so you can change it. That's why I like weighing in once a week; it gives me a better chance of keeping on top of my weight loss and let's me respond quicker to make corrections. Keeping measurements helps too so you can at least see progress that way if you don't weigh in more often.
  • soooofab
    soooofab Posts: 4
    Right now you need to measure your success with a measuring tape or clothing. Don't let the number discourage you. Also take a day to do something out of the ordinary. Our bodies get used to our routines and they get comfortable.

    Muscle calorie burn is constant. Keep it going!!!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I am also not friends with my scale. I can't endure the emotional rollercoaster of weighing in everyday. I used to do it, and would get really discouraged. I thought about it, and I realised that I'm going to continue to eat better and excercise regardless of what the scale says, so it doesn't matter what it says. I've went from daily weigh ins to monthly weigh ins and I'm hoping for a 1/2 lb to a 1lb per week loss, which I feel is a realistic goal. I'll have my first monthly weigh in on May 12th and I'm definately looking forward to it, versus dreading it. Like someone else suggested, measurements are also a good way to gauge loss and can be really motivating!

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    I agree with many of the MFP'ers above.. Measurements might be the way to go! This journey is different for everyone, what works for one may not work for all.. So if the ticker isn't moving right now...SO WHAT? :wink: I do think you should track your success someway though, because when the day comes where you don't feel like doing anything, and you feel like your efforts have been in vein, then you have a record that proves that all of your fitness activities and healthy eating has paid off!! Keep at it Fitness Diva :flowerforyou: !!
  • Jenna1024
    Jenna1024 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree with several of the comments. Measure yourself more then stepping on the scale. It's a great confidence booster! It is more accurate of your hard work, especially with weight lifting and cardio. Try high intensity interval training to spice up your cardio. It takes WAY less time then normal cardio, but it definitely makes you work a lot harder! Check out reliable websites or consult with a trainer. My fiance is a personal trainer and it is a huge new break through in cardio and fat burning. Sprinting for 30 seconds and resting for 90 seconds (repeat 6-8 times) takes less then 10 minutes and you get better results than 1 hour of basic cardio. It forces your body to burn more fat and it takes your metabolism longer to slow down afterwards. It's definitely a win-win situation for you! And since you gain muscle easily, don't get discouraged when you step on the scale and notice weight gain. 1 pound of muscle is the same as 1 pound of fat. But, muscle will take up less space and look WAY better! :)
  • exercisediva
    exercisediva Posts: 127
    Toss the scale! Get a measuring tape!! As long as that number is going down, you are good to go!! Also get your body fat percentage and smile when you see that number reducing as well.

    I havent weighed myself in a month.
  • earlie
    earlie Posts: 22
    Thanks for all the comments they help encourage me to keep at it . You guys are great! ::flowerforyou: I will also try the sprinting.....Today I do my C25K run.....This may help also because running is new for me. I just don't like it....... But I'm determined to change my attitude about it.... :smile:
  • last25
    last25 Posts: 83
    Actually muscle DOES NOT weigh more than fat. Muscle is more dense than fat but it doesn't weight more. This is a myth created out of a misunderstanding. Think about it 5 lb is 5 lbs whether it be muscle or fat. Just like 1lb of rocks vs 1 lb of feathers is still each a pound of that certain substance however the rocks of course is heavier. Same concept. 5 lbs of muscle looks better (leaner) on you than 5 lbs of fat but the scale won't say anything different. This is why it is not uncommon to shape your body and lose a pant, shirt, and dress size and not lose hardly any body weight. The scale isn't always the best gauge for improvement (I weight myself every 30 days and/or every other two week period) Instead of relying on the scale ask yourself how do your clothes fit?  How are your measurements?  How is your health?  Is your endurance better during your cardio workouts? Etc.  

    Keep working out regularly, keep eating the right foods and keep us posted on your progress. The scale is evil! Lol, leave it for every 30 days or if you don't notice any physical changes (as in from the questions I told you to ask yourself) then weigh in when you want so you can see if what you are currently doing is working or not. That way you can change it up. This is why during my 30 day scale hiatus I pick a two week period to check in with the evil scale to make sure I am at least going in the right direction.

    Hope that helps. Keep up the good work. :wink: