Anyone out there trying to gain weight?

Hello all,

I'm 22 and 105 lbs! I gained 5 lbs from this site already. I'm trying to eat more and eat healthier. I get headaches/ migraines way too often.

Just curious if anyone browsing the forums are trying to gain weight as well.

Also, I really am trying to eat less sodium and more potassium. Why? Because sodium and potassium both fight for the water that's inside your body. When you eat too much sodium, or not enough potassium, you get migraines or bad headaches. I read online that our body has ways of storing sodium because out in the wild, sodium is rare. Back in the day, the sodium:potassium ratio is 1:20. Now, it's way higher. Look at a box of cheerios. Mine's 170g sodium and 180g potassium! Not cool! Haha.

Another thing is, I have trouble eating enough food. I just forget that I'm hungry. For example, I'm at my computer, playing a game. Then I feel hungry. I don't stop playing the game to eat, then I don't feel hungry after a while. What's actually happening is my body converted some fat or whatnot to energy for me since I didn't eat (I think). So this site is helping me keep track and know how much more food I need to eat!

I would like any tips for trying to eat healthier! :)


  • ZeldaFlower
    PS. I found this site 2 years ago, but didn't like it because I couldn't find any of the food I eat in the database. So I gave up then. I re-found this site about 2 months ago maybe, thinking it was new, and found out I already had an account!