
ash78 Posts: 2 Member
I am 30 yr old and weigh 212 pounds just so frustrated to lose weight and just watching what I am eating and just started working out. please i need more suggestions.


  • gabearismendez
    set a reachable goal and dont give up on it. increase your cardio, get a trainer, try interval or circuit training in the gym.. good luck, hit me up if you need some pointers, let me know what it is you are wanting to acheive. wieght loss is obvious, but is it the only goal you have.etc. anyway, good luck...
  • julie5
    julie5 Posts: 3
    Hi there, WELCOME! The one thing that I can suggest is NO MATTER WHAT if it goes in your mouth, LOG IT! Whether you had a great day or an absolute horrilble day. Seeing all that I ate really helped me focus on changing habbits and also knowing the difference in being hungry or just being bored. I'm wishing you the best throughout your journey.
  • ash78
    ash78 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been struggling with weight almost 10 years. I have a son and before i have another baby I at least want to lose 20 pounds
    and also want to change my eating habits I am really watching what I am putting in my mouth. wheat bread special k cereal 1% milk salads chicken and healthy snacks. But I don't know if this site give you accurate calories intake of the day. I have also started walking on treadmill on 3.5 and 4.5 pace for 35 min. In between I also do some intervals with heart rate going up and down for few minutes. I probably sound desperate but with this schedule I don't know when I will be able to see the results.