really lost my way! boooooooo

I started trying to lose weight around this time last year! I was doing quite well and got really into exercising and enjoying everything to do with weight loss and just getting more healthy in general. At that time I was a full time mum, and found it reasonably easy to fit everything in, however since then my son has started full time school, and I have started my own business which takes a lot of hours, and as a result I have become incredibly lazy with my weight loss, and put pretty much every ounce I had lost back on! :(

Devastated doesn't cover the way I feel about this!

Previously I was really enjoying 30DS, and more than anything I want to return to that! So why am I sat here typing this instead of in my living room jumping around like an idiot to Gillian Michaels irritating voice? EXHAUSTION that's why! lol

I guess I'm hoping someone has some helpful words to get me back on track?

Please someone giving me a motivating story!

Maybe drawing up some sort of timetable would help me along? Who really knows?


  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    I can't give you a personal story as I an on my journey at the moment, if you tired reallyminvestnsome time on this website, get back into the groove by checking out the success stories, add yourself some great friends, and keep logging and drinking water. We can all help you. You are really busy so I understand, a timetable sounds positive but don't do it alone, do it with us and youmwillmsoon be back on your get. Good luck xx
  • th04
    th04 Posts: 32 Member
    It was definitely this site that kept me motivated previously! Sometimes I just wish we could have someone else make all our choices for us! Imagine how much easier things would be if it was someone else' decision whether or not I have another chocolate biscuit!
    Unfortunately I'm just going to have to dig deep and work hard to kick my bad habits :)
    Thank-you and good luck to you also! :)
  • particleastro
    particleastro Posts: 68 Member
    GET OFF YOUR BUTT/*kitten*!! (delete if US/UK)

    Good Luck!
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Today is my getting back on track day too! I am pre-counting calories for the day so I already have my days meal packed up in the fridge. I really would like to lose 10-15 lbs. What are your goals?
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member


  • imnoangel80
    hey come on! if you really want to do this you will find reasons to get off ya *kitten* if not you'll keep finding excuses not to!

    my biggest motivation is my gorgeous daughters, feel free anyone to add me if you want

    (hope that came across as i meant it to and not in any way nasty :flowerforyou: )
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    It was definitely this site that kept me motivated previously! Sometimes I just wish we could have someone else make all our choices for us! Imagine how much easier things would be if it was someone else' decision whether or not I have another chocolate biscuit!
    Unfortunately I'm just going to have to dig deep and work hard to kick my bad habits :)
    Thank-you and good luck to you also! :)

    I find pre-planning meals and exercise are the easiest for me. No thinking envolved when I am feeling weak. Plan 1: Roll out of bed, go to bathroom, head to elliptical before I wake up all the way and think about it.
  • Serendipityunt
    Serendipityunt Posts: 120 Member
    It was definitely this site that kept me motivated previously! Sometimes I just wish we could have someone else make all our choices for us! Imagine how much easier things would be if it was someone else' decision whether or not I have another chocolate biscuit!
    Unfortunately I'm just going to have to dig deep and work hard to kick my bad habits :)
    Thank-you and good luck to you also! :)

    I find pre-planning meals and exercise are the easiest for me. No thinking envolved when I am feeling weak. Plan 1: Roll out of bed, go to bathroom, head to elliptical before I wake up all the way and think about it.

    When my workout alarm goes off, I give myself an option to stay in bed if I can go back to bed immediately. But the moment I have one thought (even if it's "I think I'll stay in, maybe I don't need a workout today") I get myself out of bed. Once I've thought about working out, it's fair game :laugh: Also, if I have to pee, and have to drag myself out of bed anyway, I'll go.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    No one can make you change unfortunately. It's all on YOU!! You have to decide is the dark side gonna take over or ate you going to whack the **** out of it with your calorie deficit light sabre?!! Get back on the horse and you won't regret it, face it what's the other option? Getting fatter and more miserable? That sucks!!
  • nikkilynne59
    nikkilynne59 Posts: 14 Member
    You can Do it!!! I find pre planning my meals a great way to keep on track, also I do work videos at home and I do them as soon as my year goes to bed. I'm not sure about all videos but my has a work out plan so I know what video I'm doing every night which helps me. Hope this helps you can add me a s friend
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    You can do it! Once you start getting moving again, your energy will build on itself. If you don't get moving, you'll continue to be exhausted. It's great that you've made it back here to look for support! It's a great first step. Step 2: Stick that DVD in and get moving! You'll have fun and you'll wake up tomorrow with that amazing sore feeling telling you that you've done something.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    I also pre-plan and pre-log my meals. I find seeing the concrete calorie intake on MFP helps me stick to it. I also just don't let myself think about exercising. I don't let it become a decision or a choice that I have to make, because if I let working out become a decision, then I've given myself the option NOT to do it. I don't have any problem getting to the gym during the week, but on weekends, I work 12 hour days (currently at work now, but there's lots of downtime for MFP >.>) and have a commute that takes two hours all told, so when I've been gone from home for 14 hours and know I have to wake up again at 5AM the next day, exercise is the last thing I want to do. So I just don't give myself the choice. I get home, I take off my work clothes, I immediately put on my workout clothes and haul out the weights. If I sit down, if I get a snack, anything, I'll get derailed for the day, so I just give myself no option.
  • th04
    th04 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks guys, I think the way forward is lots of small goals, that way I can see my progress more easily. Establishing a good routine that works for me will likely be the first.
    To start with I am going to work towards losing just 7lbs, in the hope that WHEN!! I reach that, it will motivate me to keep going!
    So, I shall dust off the ol' 30DS, and get back on it tomorrow, and in addition to this I will make every effort to track each and every calorie that passes my lips on here!
  • brewedtea
    brewedtea Posts: 19 Member
    I started 30DS exactly a week ago, skipped one day, don't use hand weights, and do the 'girl' style push ups and have lost 3 lbs so far! You can do it! :) It was rough the first few days, but I have more stamina each day. I know it's hard to get motivated but just remember that you deserve 30 minutes of 'you' time each day to focus on yourself and your health. I know that you're tired now, but for me when I exercise regularly it boosts my energy and mood. Now go get yelled at by Jillian! lol