Does this Happen to you too on the weekends?

Why are weekends so tough??? ... I was BAD! I gained back the 2 lbs I had lost during the week. I hate when I sabatoge all of my hard work during the week by eating bad on the weekend. UGGG! I am going to the gym now to punish myself and will weigh in on Thursday..


  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I think the overeating happens because a person is less distracted on the weekends. Or at least that's my theory! I can eat JUST FINE when i'm working but as soon as I have a day off I eat like CRAP. I really DO think it's because work leads to distraction and non-easy access to food.

    Maybe the key is to find suitable distractions during the weekend that keep one away from the kitchen. haha.
  • Joscelle
    Joscelle Posts: 93
    Yes! I totally hear you. Weekends are when DH and DDs want to eat out. I seem to just be more willing to throw out all the hard work of the week.

    One of my goals is to cook more with the children, and weekends ought to be the time to do it and perhaps that will lead us to eat better on the weekends.

    If only there was something like a will-power shot... (kinda like wheatgrass but better...)
  • migallen
    migallen Posts: 13
    I feel your pain, the weekends are very hard for me too. My BF and I like to go out for lunch on Sundays and play scrabble, that I don't pay attention to how much I'm eating because I'm concentrating on making a word. LOL. And yes, knowing that the refrigerator is just a few feet away, I tend to overeat. But I'm stocking my frig with Celery and Carrots, and my cupboard with low calorie snacks.
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I find that I overeat, but I try to overeat good things....not bad things. Extra lean protein, extra fruit, extra veggies and calcium like fat free yogurt or I have a non fat latte at Starbuck's.
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    lol, yes it's definitely harder to stay on track during the weekends. My problem inst so much what I eat, but when I eat. Hard to eat 5-6 times day when you're out and about.

    I found a better low cal way of indulging in pizza and beer. Even if I do over eat, it's still far less calories than if I ate the unhealthy version.

    Although the fish and chips and Anchor Steam beer I had on Saturday was definitely worth it. Yea still got to eat the fun things that make ya happy every once in a while right? haha
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Why are weekends so tough??? ... I was BAD! I gained back the 2 lbs I had lost during the week. I hate when I sabatoge all of my hard work during the week by eating bad on the weekend. UGGG! I am going to the gym now to punish myself and will weigh in on Thursday..

    You need to better plan your weekend eating, and then you need to stick to it. Plan it all out on a Friday and allow yourself one little extra treat, You can do this, you need to be the one in control, Not the food. ..just a side note, if you start seeing the gym as punishment and not as a tool to enhance weight loss, that can really become fun and addictive, you're going to start hating the gym. have healthy snacks made up in advance and keep a box of healthy foods in your car and in your purse.., nuts, peanut butter/whole grain crackers, trail mix, granola bars...that kinda stuff, it'll stop you from just grabbing anything if your out and about shopping, or whatever...and when it comes to unhealthy treats...put them in little individual single serving baggies that you can have without blowing all your calories on junk...and then sometimes you need to just say Good luck.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I weigh myself on Saturday mornings and Saturday is my "cheat day". I never weigh myself on Monday! I'm managing to lose this way, it's just taking longer than someone who is "perfect" on the weekend :)
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    Weekends are hard. My problem is being home with my husband and watching him eat the things I try not to. Also, the alcohol doesn't help. I don't drink often, but with the nice weather, cookouts and hanging with good company, alcohol finds it's way in! Trying to stock my fridge with easy to grab snacks that are healthy. It's not always easy when my kid is eating Doritos!!!
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    I completely agree!!! If I completely deny myself of certain things I'll get frustrated and binge.
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    I tend to eat less on the weekends then I do during the week.
  • marquesj
    marquesj Posts: 47
    So Remember yesterday how I was upset about how the weekend went. Well I went to the gym and really punished myself.. Then I ate good all day..Today I am 3 lbs lighter... Wow..Hopefully I can do that again today... Doubt it cuz I am sooooo sore!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    So Remember yesterday how I was upset about how the weekend went. Well I went to the gym and really punished myself.. Then I ate good all day..Today I am 3 lbs lighter... Wow..Hopefully I can do that again today... Doubt it cuz I am sooooo sore!

    Why do you refur to going to the gym as punishment? I think we should be giving ourselves positve thoughts. enjoy working out, think of it as your time. Don't doubt that you will do it for some reason or other just tell yourself that you will and you want to.

    if you think negatively you will be negative.
  • marquesj
    marquesj Posts: 47
    I was just joking about Punishing myself at the gym.. I did something like a Last Chance Work-out before wiegh in.. (Taking my work-out to the next level) really pushing myself. Biggest Looser Style... Don't get me wrong I love working out and enjoy it very much...
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    for some reason i find weekends my "best" time - I'm usually busy and out and about doing stuff, so I don't nibble. Nibbling is my downfall.
    at work during the week, and when i get home, i'm bored bored bored and just pick and nibble.
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    lol, yes it's definitely harder to stay on track during the weekends. My problem inst so much what I eat, but when I eat. Hard to eat 5-6 times day when you're out and about.

    That is so true! I have the same problem. I'm out all day Saturday and I have a long drive back to work on Sunday's so regular eating is impossible. I always try to have a good breakfast which will keep me going longer (usually muesli with a few extra nuts) and then a small snack before dinner.

    It is certainly a lot harder at the weekends.