Losing weight to get pregnant.


I'm 28, live in San Diego County, and am currently trying to lose weight to get pregnant. I have not formally been diagnosed with PCOS, but my physician does believe it is a reasonable fit for me, and with information about the symptoms, totally matches what has been going on with my body. So I'm trying to lose some weight and eat healthier in order to get my body back on track and dump some of this extra weight before I attempt to put any pregnancy weight on it.

I've been reading a book that gives excellent insight to the diet/fertility connection and am hoping to meet some other women who are in a similar boat to team up with so that I don't have to go through this adventure alone. (ok not totally alone, but would be great to meet people outside of my household.)

Talk to you all soon!


  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    I am looking to get pregnant later in the year :) you can add me if you want!
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm looking to get pregnant this year :-) anyone doing the same feel free to add me.
  • slykat48
    slykat48 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck! I wish you the best!
    A friend of mine has PCOS.
  • Thanks all! :)
  • mychellelynne
    mychellelynne Posts: 122 Member
    I am here for the same reason. I hope it happens this year, as we have been trying for 3. It will happen but I know I have to put the work in to get it to work. I had a D&C earlier this year to remove any tissue so if I lose weight I should be on my way!
  • jesikabaker4u
    jesikabaker4u Posts: 215 Member
    I am trying to concieve too, trying to lose weight for this reason. also with pcos. Your more than welcome to add me :-)
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 27 and I'm hoping to start trying at the end of this year. I'm trying to get as fit and healthy as I can before then. Feel free to add me!
  • Nurse_Christy
    Nurse_Christy Posts: 276 Member
    I have PCOS. I tried for over a year to get pregnant without success. I found MFP, lost 22 lbs, and immediately got pregnant. Since I had my baby I've not been doing well at all with my diet, but I'm trying again. Good luck to you!
  • I'm thinking if I don't get my period soon that's what they'll want to do to me. They gave me Provera once, but it didn't make me bleed.. so they've given me a second trial for 15 days instead of 10 in hopes that it'll start something. If it doesn't, back to the doctor!
    I am here for the same reason. I hope it happens this year, as we have been trying for 3. It will happen but I know I have to put the work in to get it to work. I had a D&C earlier this year to remove any tissue so if I lose weight I should be on my way!
  • First of all, I'm adding you!
    Second of all, losing weight to assist in getting pregnant is a wonderful idea. My husband and I tried for quite a while to get pregnant...but while I was obese it just wasn't working out so great. I lost almost fifty pounds, was taking a multivitamin everyday with 400 mcg of folic acid and was exercising regularly. And POOF! I got pregnant. Also, he was living a healthier lifestyle, losing weight and taking vitamins as well, which can also make a difference. Good luck!
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I have PCOS. I'm done having children, however. I thought you might be heartened to know that before I was even diagnosed I had managed (with the use of Phen-Fen) to drop about 48lbs, then became pregnant with my 5th child. After suffering from secondary infertility and having to take fertility drugs to conceive babies #3 and 4, that was a bit of a shocker. After being diagnosed with PCOS, we were able to understand why things happened like they did for me.

    You are smart to want to drop the weight before pregnancy. You will likely have to be very diligent during pregnancy to avoid gaining a lot of excess weight. I tended to gain 40lbs or more with each one, and the last 2 babies of mine left me morbidly obese. I am now within 2 lbs of being a "normal" weight! It hasn't been easy.

    I wish you all the best of luck both in losing the weight and becoming pregnant. Babies are a LOT of work, and sometimes throw our lives for a loop and then some, but it's all worth it.
  • Can I come too? I have PCOS, and I am trying to lose weight again as I want a second baby :))) after first one my main problems with the pcos disappeared but now I want a second baby and and my result are fine but no success. I thought some weight loss will help me!
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    Hey, I too have PCOS and am ttc. It's been about 18 months, and treatment not helping. I have an HSG booked for tomorrow, and my followup appointment in about 3 weeks. I have lost some weight already, but by that appointment, I want there to be a noticeable change in my size. I don't want the dr to ever say that he can't treat me until I lose weight, so I am pre-empting that statement.

    Feel free to add me, I been there, done that, got the (large) tshirt...

  • rbrducky
    rbrducky Posts: 34 Member
    I'm doing the same, I have pcos and tried to conceive for about a year with no luck, so it's time to lose weight and hopefully have a baby soon after. Feel free to add me, ladies! :)
  • Hello, I also have PCOS!
    I am hoping that i can also get pregnant sometime before the year end. (only if my hub finds a job though)
    I have just got back into going to a dr. didn't have insurance and even with insurance i can barely afford it.. but i need to do this and i have to make sacrifices. Hope all goes will with you on your journey to TTC.
  • seaofthesun14
    seaofthesun14 Posts: 12 Member
    I am also trying to lose weight so that I can get pregnant. I know that we can do this together!
  • kcrxgirl
    kcrxgirl Posts: 114 Member
    My situation isn't quite like yours, but future pregnancies are playing a role in my desire to lose weight. With my daughter I ended up with preeclampsia. I am hoping that if I am a healthy weight before attempting baby #2 I will have a healthier pregnancy, not get preeclampsia, note be put on bed rest & not go into labor a month early!