Starting running again

Hiya all,

Well I used to do the c25k but got bored of it in week 6 have been trying other types of exercise at home 30day shred and insanity but get bored of them so I have got my run tastic app and off I will go again tomorrow running and I must say even tho I'm a slow runner I can't wait and hopefully it will help me to lose the last 7lbs too


  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Have you ever used runkeeper? If you have a smart phone you can track your runs with it using GPS. It tells you speed, distance, can play music for you, gives you audible updates like "Only 3 more minutes!" and stuff like that. It is really cool!
  • Ooh will have a look now
  • I did before xmas C25k got to wk6 then xmas came along everytime i get to week6 something comes along and i stop, struggling to restart at moment
  • I'm on week 2 of c25k now!

    It's the first time (ever!) that I've just gone outside and went running, and since it's winter, it's proving to be difficult.

    Something that I have planned out for if I start to get bored, I have different routes that I can take to run. There's also a trail near my house that I can run to, as well as train tracks I could follow. I just set out a lot of different running options so I won't get bored with it.

    Other than that, I'm loving the c25k plan! I'm a little ahead of the plan (I jog a majority of the time and try to push myself), but it's helping me stay on track by going at least a half hour for every run.

    I use the app FitnessTracker, it's pretty good to tracking runs/speed/gps, and then I just use pandora or my iPod.