I finished Insanity and TurboFire... now i'm on to p90x!!

I don't quite consider myself a "success" yet as I haven't yet hit my final goal but today's success is that i finished my second Beachbody program in 6 months.The first single picture is after i had my daughter. In the comparison pictures the top one was before Insanity (I had already lost 56 lbs on my own after my baby). The second set of pics is after Insanity, during which i lost 16 lbs. The third set is after Turbofire during which i lost 11 lbs. So far i've lost 83 lbs and I just have 17 left to go. I want to make sure that if anybody reads this they know that I NEVER lost more than 2 lbs in a week. I just kept going and if i had a bad day i never gave up. It might take a little while (18 months so far) but I think i've come pretty far.


  • FitandTrim2013
    FitandTrim2013 Posts: 12 Member
    I know you wrote you have not reached your goal yet, but you look amazing! Congratulations on your success thus far. I am a big Beachbody fan. I own Slim in 6 and P90X (haven't completed a full 90 days yet). Plan to restart P90 over the summer after doing another routine first. I wanted to know how much you enjoyed Turbofire? I was thinking about ordering that, but I'm not sure. I'm too afraid to do insanity and am not quite prepared enough/in good enough shape to finish P90X. Was Turbo fire challenging but still fun?
  • klcalliari
    klcalliari Posts: 60 Member
    Oh i would totally recommend Turbofire... i had a little trouble really getting through Insanity and I had no problems with Turbo but it still was a challenge. I love that Beachbody has coaches too because the difference this time is that i had a challenge group with Insanity ... do you have a coach and everything. I'm not one so i'm not trying to sell you anything or anything like that... i just know that my coach has a challenge group starting on the 11th that i'll be doing (with p90x) but other people are doing other programs... just a thought.
    AND i don't know if you saw but Turbofire just had a permanent price reduction so it's even cheaper!! wooo
    Let me know if you want to chat about anything, I'm always here!! I'll add you as a friend!
    And let me know if you want my coaches name if you don't already have one. SUPER important if you're doing one of the programs and I LOVE mine.
    Have a good night!
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    you look amazing great job
  • ReneeDittmar
    ReneeDittmar Posts: 6 Member
    You look amazing! Great job! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    Nice work!!
  • amber_j90
    amber_j90 Posts: 16 Member
    Nice! Very inspiring!
  • misselemental
    misselemental Posts: 28 Member
    WTG! You will love P90X!
  • vegas711
    vegas711 Posts: 92 Member
    Great job! You are going to love P90X. Fight through that first week and bring it!
  • easycure
    easycure Posts: 152 Member
    you look amazing!!! great job hunny!
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