Colorado Springs people?

I'm in Colorado Springs for a few more months yet. Hoping to drop an additional 20 more pounds just before my husband returns from deployment. Ideally would like to drop more than 20 but thats the next level in the goal. Eventual goal is to be between 155 and 160lbs. Currently at 220. When the weather is decent, I enjoy hiking at Gold Camp Road and Garden of the Gods with my dog. If anyone would like someone nearby to help motivate them, send me an invite!


  • HollyTsab
    HollyTsab Posts: 120 Member
    HI!! I'm in the Springs! I'm also a military wife. :)
  • Kzoppa
    Kzoppa Posts: 7 Member
  • qtmamaof6
    I live in the Springs, my hubby was in the Air Force for 9 years, we have been out of the military going on 5 years. Would love some friends to help motivate me on here!! I will add you!