Hey from UK

Hello everyone,

I did post about 5/6 months ago on here with a different account but never stuck to a plan/diet, but really need to now.

Well about me -

I'm Martin, 24 from Birmingham, England. I've always been chubby really growing up, but got bigger when I was about 17/18 and haven't stopped growing as such lol.

I just can't seem to get the kick up the *kitten* to diet/exercise as I think I'm too old to start getting into shape and if people don't like me as I am, why should I change to please other people. I know they're excuses to not do it, but just can't get out of that mood.

However, I hadn't weighed myself for a few years, I know I was around the 17/18 stone mark, but was scared to check up. I weighed and took my height earlier, I now weigh 19.12lbs (278lbs I think) and my BMI is 39.9 :(. I know it's all my own fault.

I don't feel comfy going the gym, so I've brought a weight bench, gym ball, resistance band and kettlebells for home workouts, I know they aint has effective as the gym, but I feel more comfy - I brought these about 6 months ago, and still haven't used them.

I work in a warehouse, on my feet pretty much all day and lifting boxes etc, and when I get back home, I'm just too tired but I know I need to do it. I know I make excuses not too do it, but just stuck in a rut if that makes sense.

Anyway I hope your all doing well on your plans, and if you have any tips/motivation, chuck em my way. Also add me as a friend.


Martin x


  • Sambytheway82
    Hey martin feel free to add me as a friend I'm online every day :) you can do this x
  • Ottinger13
    Ottinger13 Posts: 55 Member
    Glad to see you here Martin, I have been on MFP for a week and really like the way it helps me to track the calories. I started my weight loss about 4 months ago and have lost 35 lbs so far.

    The main thing is to find something you like doing, for me it is walking. I changed the way I eat, cutting out sodas, and candy was the first step. Then I added exercising and walking

    I would suggest that you make a small change every few days, If you are tired after work, then get up a little earlier, and get outside to walk, or go up and down your stairs several times to get your heart moving. A little more each day and you will see a change soon.

    Good luck, keep tracking, and try to do better each day.
  • corrinadavis
    I was in the same boat when I decided to lose weight and begin to live a healthier lifestyle. It is by far not easy, but as they say if it is easy, it is the wrong road to go down. lol. If I can begin to lose weight anyone can. I don't like the gym setting either, however I do attend zumba on Tuesday's and told myself that this year I would add an extra day of excercise each month, so in February I am checking out a yoga class or maybe another zumba class. I will be honest, I have to push myself real hard, so if you want I will help give you that push as well. I believe in you, mainly because the first step to achieving is accepting that the reason we are in this boat is because of our decisions and the 2nd step is admitting it is because we make excuses and are lazy. The 3rd step is to finally begin to get the nerve up to do something about it. Go man Go......
  • Syleyna
    Syleyna Posts: 86 Member
    Hey Martin,

    I've always been the same, "if people don't like me they way I am, then bugger them". You're not losing weight to make other people happy though, you're doing it for you. Right?

    I've been using MFP for 2 weeks now and have lost just over 3kg after being in a rut for 4 or so weeks. I find I don't want to make myself anything 'good' to eat after a busy day, so I've packed my freezer full of 'Lean Cuisine' meals. 288-406 calories each. They're making it really really easy for me to eat well and stay under my calorie goal. Along with fruit and sugar-reduced yogurt for snacks- it's working for me. Do you have that sort of thing in the UK?
    The only exercise I do are brisk walks. Even if I can only get in 10mins on the treadmill, I do it. Every little bit helps.

    Goodluck mate! Keep us posted :)
  • MichelleZannone
    Welcome Martin....You at 24 my dear are not too old. In fact no one is ever too old to start taking better care and getting into shape. Don't do it for anyone, but yourself and stick to it you will be successful. The support you can find on this site is fantastic as you will learn the more fitness pal's you add the more encouragement you gain. Just about everyone I have come across on here is in the same boat or has been at some point. So good luck to you and may your journey be a great success...Add me if you want too.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    From Sheffield here.
    Free equipment is just as effective if you focus on proper form.
    You've made the decision to come back and do it. That's a good start. Keep that up... start with the basics of just logging and working out when you can, and then kick it up.

    It's a hard journey - if it was easy we'd all be fit and healthy. But you got this, you can do it. :D
  • Syleyna
    Syleyna Posts: 86 Member
    Oh, I also put everything into my 'Food' tracker prior to eating it so I can keep a close eye on my calories. I find this helps and I don't 'accidently' go over. If I really REALLY want to have that toasted sandwich for breakfast, I can put it in and see that it'll mean I can't have those 2 apples or yogurt aswell. So I weigh up which I want more BEFORE eating anything.
    I find it helpful to already know what I'm going to eat for the day.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Hey Martin - your "too old to start getting into shape" comment made me chuckle!!
    I'm 52.....

    Having a physical job is a great help but remember that 80% of weight loss is diet, unfortunately...

    I spent most of my 30's and 40's being both fit and fat and it's only now I've really got my diet sorted that I'm still fit (for an old fart!!)and not fat anymore.

    It's not surprising you feel tired lugging 19st around. Slow and steady progress is the way to go, make sustainable changes rather than looking for a quick fix.
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    Evening from Leeds! I'm in a similar situation to you except that I'm a fair bit heavier. The earliest days are the hardest, keep going day by day and things become routine.
  • lythy77
    lythy77 Posts: 33 Member
    hey martin. my names chris. i used to live in coventry. my story is very much the same as yours. but im now 35, a month ago i was 19 stone and now im down to 17.11 with a bmi of 40..

    you really need to do this for your self and not to please others. im guessing that deep down you are unhappy wirth yourself but burring your head in the sand. i did this for a long time. i had hit 20 stone at 1 point and could feel the strain of the weight. i was getting out of breath. and tired all the time.

    i joined a gym and make myself go 5 times a week. even if i dont want to go i go.

    do something about it whilst u can m8.. if u wana add me as a friend feel free.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Hi Martin, too old to diet / exercise? my *kitten*. FFS I am 69, have used all your reasons many times as to why I am fat and let us be honest, it is really just our hands & our gobs and no one elses

    I know what you mean about gym, to my mind gym is for for the already fit, not the fat folk waddling in. For this reason I never went

    I just walk, not over hills & dales, just to shops & back, around 2 miles, but distance is not critical

    As I am sure you know, but may be in denial, it is our choice as to what we eat, and exercise is just a minor part of our goal

    add me as friend if you wish ,. UK based & log daily
  • this_time_nextyear
    Some great tips in the above posts. I'm from the UK too and started just after new year, read up on the info regarding TDEE and BMR (just search for it) because its a good place to start to gauge how much exercise you'll need to be doing to form a large enough deficit for loss. Like has already been said, track things. I started off on slim fast but realised my macro nutrients ended up way off what they should be and most of my calories were coming from sugar so I'm starting a fresh this week with my new head on.
    Kettle bells are a great workout too, again there are a couple of groups and plenty of forum posts to give you ideas and they are fast results if you put a bit of time in. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend
  • PaulFromEssex
    Hi Martin, nearly fell off my chair when I saw your name ... I work in same office as your namesake ... small world!

    Well I'm twice your age ... :cry: .... damm ..... and I have just started hitting the weights after a 20yr lay off. I sit behind a computer most of the day drawing pretty pictures, so no natural exercise.
    It is tough to start with, but if you keep at it for just a short time, you will start to see and feel benefits. Once you see this, you will want to continue.
    Just take each day at a time, be honest with yourself and you will be fine.

    Good luck mate.
  • mtfarrell88
    Thanks everyone for the replies, means alot.

    I now know it's affecting my health, I couldn't tell as much before, but I've noticed I get back ache quite alot when walking far and at work, which I put down to being overweight.

    I went doctors about 2 weeks ago, due to like getting palpitations in the mornings around 10, was quite scary, don't happen everyday but often so though I'd get it checked out, and sent my blood tests off, get my results tomorrow morning, I also have a ECG scan tomorrow, just to be safe as family has a history of heart problems and I smoke quite a lot :( .

    Anyone recommend any good diet/healthy eating books as whats good for you and best time to eat certain times? As i aint too sure what proteins/sugars etc do to you(sound a bit silly I know but never really concentrated before.

    I normally get home around 6pm, I plan to do my weight bench etc for 45 mins when I get back, have shower and dinner, then take a dog for a walk, would that be a good start....plus doesn't muscle weigh heavier than fat? So would my results show as much? I suppose muscle is better than fat lol.

    Sorry for the long post but thanks for all your replies and requests
  • lythy77
    lythy77 Posts: 33 Member
    1st off. good luck for tomorrow.
    muscle does weigh more than fat. but you cannot turn fat to muscle.
    building muscle helps burn more fat though. cardio burns more calories. weight lifting to burn body fat.
    as for diets just cut out sugars and processed foods. eat loads of veg's and animal meat/fat chicken turkey etc. no bread.
    look up low carb diet. seems to be working well for quite a few people on here.. feel free to check my food diary out..
    although i'm on intermittent fasting low carb diet.
  • LeahJB71
    LeahJB71 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Martin,

    I've just started here, too. I'd love to add you so we can motivate each other! If I can do this, so can you!
  • this_time_nextyear
    Yeah this forum stopped me from coming off track this week as I registered a 5lb gain when i have been sticking to the diet and doing the Insanity workout plan, basically dont go off the scales. Measure yourself with a tape measure and go off that, in my head i know that i look better than at the beginning of the month but seeing an increase on the scales is so disheartening.
    Judge it off too tight clothes or something else, especially if you will be lifting weights.