Runners - Treadmill vs. Outdoors



  • paulmcintosh
    paulmcintosh Posts: 7 Member
    As a half-marathion runner nothing like outdoors its harder if you know where to run just get fed up of it after a while and the tredmill is bad it kills your knees better off doing it outside and do curcuit training inside.
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I prefer running outside but recently I've started using the treadmills at the gym. I do put it on an incline when I use it and I like that it "forces" me to run faster than I would outside (or fall off by not keeping up) but I notice I can run for longer periods of time when I run outside. However, I was completely unsatisfied with my 5K time so I'm trying to run faster and in this crappy weather I'm willing to train on a treadmill.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I prefer to run outside, but I have trained for 5Ks indoors on a treadmill, and my race time was no different than when I trained outside, so it is definitely running, and it can be done. If you are seriously training to run competitively you probably need more outdoor runs, but if you are just doing it as a personal challenge to run a 5K at this point, go for it and good luck!
  • CCWatson89
    CCWatson89 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a lot of injuries from sports when I was younger, so running on the treadmill and running outside are very different for me. I tend to do very poorly with those injuries (both ankles, both knees) and my asthma when I'm on the treadmill. Running outside feels much more natural and comes with the added bonus a built-in fan, nice constantly changing scenery, and the freedom to change your speed or your stride without having to look down and mess with buttons. If its a choice between running outside when its over 80 degrees or running inside on a treadmill, though, I would go with the treadmill.
    Honestly, it depends on you and what feels comfortable for you. :) Keep going.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm using my treadmill due to the weather but prefer to run outside. While running on our mostly dirt roads and trails here, my ankles and muscles get a different workout than I do on the treadmill. I did some research and it was reccomended that you walk where you normally run, just to keep the muscles, tendons 'comfortable' or whatever with the terrain. So I'm going to try to do that on my cross training days to make the transition this spring easier, and hopefully avoid injury and/or pain. I also read that if you've been using a treadmill exclusively, that you should start running outside only one time a week and gradually build up to it.
    Ultimately do what you're willing to do, over and over again. :)
  • alvin0012
    alvin0012 Posts: 29 Member
    Im not a hardcore runner, but I prefer to run outside (I use RunKeeper to track my distance and burned cals). Treadmill bores me but I also use them during winter. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The treadmill just doesn't do "it" for me. I don't get the same endorphin rush, I got bored and overheated, and I'm suspicious that my stress fracture last winter was due in part to going back to running on the 'mill after running outside all spring, summer and fall.

    So I quit the gym and it's no longer an option for me. I'd rather run in rain, heat, snow or cold than run on a treadmill.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    i do it when necessary, and it's great for interval training. I actually run faster on a treadmill bc I can monitor my speed, but give me the outdoors any day. It's not as dull. plus I have balance issues that makes a treadmill slightly dangerous. lol.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Was talking to an acquaintance today about getting ready for some upcoming races. Told him I was excited to have just joined a little local gym so I can get on the treadmill a couple times a week (on my lunch break) to help with my training. His response was, "the treadmill is a workout, but it isn't running." I totally get that it is more difficult to run outside, but the treadmill sure feels like a run to me, especially playing with the speeds and incline. Would be interested to hear some thoughts on this... Are you a hard core outside runner or will you get on the treadmill when weather, schedule, safety, etc. are an issue? Any suggestions for programming the 'mill to help it be more of a "run," and less of a workout?

    For me, a relatively new runner, the dreadmill is AWFUL, but I do it to avoid wet running outside. I always feel like the time goes so slowly on the dreadmill and outside I can run three times as far (and faster) before I even think about how long it takes.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I don't run on a tread mill unless I have to and let's face it , I never really HAVE to! But if you do all the time good for you! It's still running:). But running outside is best IMO because there are all sorts of variables that can be challenging and interesting: wind, hills of different grades, cold and heat. These variables can make your run more challenging and interesting. My Favourite thing about running is the sunshine, looking at the mountains, people's gardens, saying hi to People I pass and giving my dogs a good time:). I definitely vote for outdoors because I think exercise should be fun!
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I think the treadmill is a different kind of work out.

    MUCH harder to get through. More painful for me. And painfully boring.

    BUT I started on the treadmill then switched to outside and could run a 5K pretty much right away (I was running a 5K on the treadmill BC that's all I could manage BC it was so boring)

    I quickly progressed to 5 miles in the mater of weeks, then 7 a few weeks later. By two months of outdoor running I was running 10 miles. When I started to train I couldn't even run one 10 minute mile so I'd say I def got in shape on the treadmill

    So...treadmill running and outdoor running arent THAT Different. If anything running outside is easier because even tho you have factors like hills and temperature and stuff it's easier mentally and for me I get shin pain and knee pain on the treadmill!
  • beautifulbrat
    i like my treadmill for running, though i do have to watch it because i have bad knees. i'm all the time changing the inclines and speed. when i'm outside i like to do long walks and enjoy my scenery and do some gardening/ things along that nature. i'm thinking about getting a bicycle to ride around the neighborhood when i want a change in pace
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    Treadmill or Outdoors, your still running. I think it may be a personal choice and physical limits that decided which you do. I have just started outdoors and was suprised I actually found it easier than the treadmill and ran the same distance faster. I am going to do both as I do have dodgy knees and hips it is also very hot here in NZ at the moment and a lot of grass which affects my asthma. Day by day decision. Good luck running and enjoy it wherever you do it :)
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i hate the dreadmill. i had one, but hated it so much i sold it. i have a cross trainer instead now. if the weather outside is too bad for me to go out, i'd rather do intervals on the XT than resort to the dreadmill. i just didn't like it.
    BUT..... if it works for you, keep doing it! i'm envious if you can run on the dreadmill- you are a better person than me! as far as the workout goes, dreadmill running is definately different. you use different muscles because the floor does the moving for you. but it's not too far off.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Of course it's still running. Treadmills are great for speed work. But I don't like them for long runs. No way. So boring! that's the trouble for me. But they do have their place.
  • hulkweazel
    hulkweazel Posts: 36 Member
    I've been a runner for 12 years, running upwards of 50-60 miles a week and I haven't spent a single mile of it on a treadmill. Those things are so awful. I'd rather cross train on the elliptical than do treadmill.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    The training effect on your body is the same. The treadmill is just more boring.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Your friend is just being a treadmill snob. I prefer to run outside but the bottom line is getting it done, especially if I'm training for a race.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    To me, whatever the elements bring is apart of the sport of running. If it's too dangerous to run outside for whatever reason....I'll just wait until the situation improves to run. It can get super cold here, but never for very long. I don't like running enough to do it on a treadmill. Take the outdoors aspect out of it and it no longer appeals to me.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I much prefer outside, but during the winter, I work during the only daylight hours so during the week I do short treadmill runs, then on the weekend, I go outside for longer runs! The treadmill helps me work on speed while outside helps me work on distance. I never would've gotten into running if it weren't for outside, but I'm glad to have the treadmill for days I need it!