DESPERATE to make working out a habit...

Orangeyouglad416 Posts: 5
edited January 11 in Fitness and Exercise
Growing up we didn't make exercise a now that i'm older and overweight i'm finding it harder and harder to get into the habit of working out! I'm going crazy here because i KNOW that i have to do it but I just can't find the motivation...I feel like i'm hopeless sometimes because I have bought so many dvds and things to help me work out but I just don't have the drive...

What helps you get the drive to work out?
What is your motivation??

Any suggestions would be GREAT!


  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Start with a small commitment, for instance, you only have to walk for 20 minutes a day, that's all. If at the 20 minute mark want to stop, fine, you are done. Do that for 2 weeks to one month, then add 5-10 minutes to that walk. Walk for 30 minutes each day for a month and each month (or every two weeks) add a few minutes to it. It's a mind game really because the hardest part about working out is putting on the workout clothes, sneakers and getting started. Once you get going it's easy. If you put too much pressure on yourself too soon you will not go. I originally started with too high of a goal, a full hour and it was easy for me to say I didn't have an hour but everyone has 20 minutes. I will say the more regularly you do it the easier it is but even a few days of not working out can throw off your game.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    habits are hard to make for me, I have had many many many starts over the years. Everyone is different at different times in their lives too. Most recently though I started to see that if I didn't build more strength, I would lose so much muscle as to be unable to do laundry, shopping, basic routine - and that has pushed me enough.

    If you can get through the five minutes of "gee whiz not again!" and just start treading, stair climbing, cycling, lifting, core work, whatever gets your heart pumping and your muscle fibers twitching 5-6 times per week 30 minutes a time, you get jazzed as you get more capable.

    Beauty helps me too - if I can see pictures of beautiful places, or remember beautiful places that I have visited and hiked on vacation - it keeps me engaged with the hope that maybe someday I will be there again, and thinner next time.

    sweat is fat crying! Hang in there!
  • HappyAng
    HappyAng Posts: 26 Member
    Try to find a workout buddy. That way you feel guilty if you bail on them. After awhile exercise will just become part of your routine.
  • Thank you all for your great suggestions! I love the ideas of starting out slower...i think i wind up discouraging myself because i launch into these crazy workout routines that I can't stick to since they're too long or too demanding. If I start out slow AND get a workout buddy i'm sure it could become more of a habit in no time. :)
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