Food Allergies

I have major food allergies, gluten, dairy, eggs, banana, strawberries and oats. Doe anyone else suffer? Are their any good vegan protein drinks? Any food suggestions?


  • I have some of the same allergies, but just found out yday when I had a skin test done. I had been eating these foods and had been having all sorts of issues. I'm just not sure exactly what I'm going to do yet. I am also allergic to turkey, pork and lamb!!!
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Yes, I have significant allergies as well. My advice is focus on what you can eat, and eliminate the rest from your kitchen.
    Aside from that, always read labels and find out if any of the things you are allergic to are called by different things.
  • I have the same issues. severe allergy to tree nuts (cashew in particular) and less severe allergy to soy, dairy, pork, egg (yolk and white), oats, tomato, apples and a couple more i can't remember at this point in time. When I first found out about all of this is was hard. It took me a long to time find a way to work around these limitations but I feel so much better now! The best thing for me was that i had to get away from a lot of processed foods because a surprising amount of them have soy. I just embraced the change and learned to adjust my old favorites with the new restrictions. (replacing avacado for cheese on sandwiches, burgers, and tacos) etc.

    good luck finding new, delicious replacement foods!
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Coeliac here!

    Surprisingly, not too hard to get around. Just don't buy the GF products - most taste like crap. Stick to meat/egg/veggies/potatoes/rice, etc. And chocolate. Essential.
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    None that you have, but I am very allergic to pineapple and oysters. Didn't seem like such a big deal when i found out, til I realized that calcium carbonate is made from oysters, and added to a ton of stuff!
    The pineapple one is tricky too, it's used to sweeten a lot of different things.

    My dad has celiac disease, for the most part he just avoids the gluten free substitutes, (like another poster said, they usually taste like crap). He does use coconut flour and quinoa pasta though, both of which he really likes.
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    I'm allergic to pecans, walnuts, kiwi, mustard. At least these are the ones I found out by trial and error. Just read all labels and when ordering out make sure the waiter knows you are allergic to something and not being picky. Why do they insist on putting mustard on all burgers :sad:
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I have major food allergies, gluten, dairy, eggs, banana, strawberries and oats. Doe anyone else suffer? Are their any good vegan protein drinks? Any food suggestions?

    Celiac here too. With corn, tree nut (except pistacios) and peanut allergies. If you stick to naturally GF/egg free foods, you won't have too much trouble. Fruits, veggies, meats, dairy etc. Most processed items contain egg or wheat/gluten. Its hard to find processed things without either of those two ingredients. Enjoy life is a great brand, all their items are egg/gluten free (plus a few other things) free.

    As for a vegan protein drink - look for Vega brand. Its kinda gross mixed just with water, but its good in a smoothie. The protein they use is 100% plant protein.
  • KatieDuvall612
    KatieDuvall612 Posts: 17 Member
    I have adult onset food allergies to soy, pecans, Brazil nuts, pistachios, and walnuts. I was diagnosed a few years ago after having a lot of health issues. Recently, I've suspected that I'm also becoming lactose intolerant and can't handle a few other foods like peanuts, onions, and almonds.

    Soy is the hardest to avoid since it's in so many things, including fresh produce sometimes due to the vegetable wax on fruits and veggies sometimes, and I've had reactions to cross-contaminated items. I have to be careful or I'll get very ill. I shop mostly organic, eat all meals at home, and have eliminated most processed foods from my diet. If I'm looking for a specific item that is processed then I usually check Meijer, Trader Joe's, and Whole Foods because they have a lot of organic foods with minimal ingredients.

    If you're looking for a vegan protein powder, Sun Warrior makes a pricey but good one that's brown rice based. PlantFusion is also pretty good and plant based.
  • For me it's beans (break out in hives and lots of vomiting about an hour after eating), and "fake" sugars like splenda, aspartame, equal, etc (really bad head that lasts for hours). I just read labels, and avoid most thing that are sugar free, unless they're in the organic section.

    Whoever decided sugar free = with splenda is not on my favorites list.
  • apbradley208
    apbradley208 Posts: 9 Member
    I just found out on Thursday that I am full blown allergic to Pineapple (What??? I've eaten pineapple my whole life, but apparently you can develop an allergy at any time), Casein and Scallops. I also have a sensitivity to yeast and wheat. Guess what my favorite foods are? Carbs!

    Looks like a diet change is happening.