How Cruel



  • MountainMoverJosh
    I just bought a bike on, so everywhere I go, there is this Walmart ad trying to sell me that same bike.

    Its a conspiracy man. But that is invaded privacy for you. You had to have been eating those things recently and you ordered it online.....maybe not you, but maybe your spouse?

    Hmm....oh, and rice cakes are worse than your pizza. At lease the pizza won't lie about its ability to clog your arteries. The rice cakes (aka Quaker) tell you all this crap about how healthy it is, but it is filled with powdered cheese. How f-ed up is that?
  • dubster
    dubster Posts: 35 Member
    It goes off your history eh..... weird cuz I never surf bad food sights. but here is what I tried tonight . 1 banana, 3 eggs, table spoon of low fat peanut butter. put in a blender and mix until it thickens. then pour into a frying pan or giddle and make a pancake out of it. I put some apple sauce on it and it was fantastic.