boy oh boy this is harder than I expected.

Hi. I am Chasity. I just started this and am really excited. I ,like alot of other people have been looking in the mirror and haven't been really happy with what has crept up on me. I just tried the cabbage soup diet and whew that didn't turn out like I expected. But I stuck to it and did what I was instructed and I seen through that challenge. I chose January 1st as a start date to have better health, not a RESOLUTION because those tend to never work for me. I haven't drank a soda or ate meat since then. To tell you the truth I never thought I would be the rabbit type. But here I am and I am loving it. I have so much more energy and when I eat I get full but quicker and with ALOT less food. I am from the South so I was raised to finish what was on my plate. Well I certainly took that to the next level. I finished mine and another one and possibly another one after that. I would have to unbutton my pants to be comfy. Granted I am 5'9 and I weigh 182 lbs but I was 5'9 and 155 lbs about 2 1/2 years ago. I am trying so hard to get through this what seems to be the biggest plateau I have ever seen. ( Bigger than the ones I have seen on any map ) But I am trying with everything in me. I get a little distressed when it's just not falling off, but I am 32 now and it seems to want to stay forever. When I was 27 I lost 30 pounds in one month and kept it off for a really long time. I have 2 children now one is 13 and the other 9 no way am I bringing this as their fault but I am sure their romp around my body has not helped make the playing field level by no means. But I guess what I am saying is if anyone needs to talk or vent or have any ideas please feel free to let me know and maybe with help together we can come up with a solution. I want to wish everyone luck and determanation. Lord knows I need it. Sincerly, Chasity


  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    Hi Chastity welcome and good luck. You have found the right place for support and motivation. There are a lot of great people on these forums that are more than happy to help. Try reading through some of the posts to get some ideas about how best to lose weight and get fit. There is a ton of great info here.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Welcome. :drinker:

    Ive been on so many diets over the years. WW mainly.

    Although good, it never really taught me about calories. I just followed points.

    In the past I've eaten Carrot sticks, 0 point soups ect. Boring as hell, and because of that always fell off.

    This time i did research, learned about Calorie Counting, Calorie Deficit, Spices, Fruit Smoothies, and YouTube motivational videos.

    Now, the Fruit keeps me full and energised, the spices make my salads taste great, and i feel better and fuller at the end of each day, rather than tired and hungry.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    you don't have to eat like a rabbit to lose weight.

    your first task is to start logging everything. honestly. accurately

    your second task is to start learning. the more you learn now, the less chance you'll make a mistake in this process and the better your chance of long term success.

    go to the Eat, Train, Progress group and start reading everything in there.

    losing weight starts with understanding the basics, like your BMR and TDEE and how to determine your daily calorie goals. nutrition comes next as you adjust your diet to meet your macro goals. next comes fitness. that's where you'll learn what you should be doing instead of or in addition to cardio, so that when you get to your goal weight, you look and feel good. that is strength training. adding muscle will shape your body and increase your metabolism.
  • chasityhorne
    chasityhorne Posts: 6 Member
    Hi thank you for responding. I am trying. I have changed so much about my diet so quickly I guess I am not seeing the results as quickly as I had hoped. I probably do not eat 1200 calories a day but I snack and stay full. Do you know if perhaps it takes a while for your body to adjust to even be able to see a weight change? I use to drink a 2ltr of soda a day and eat nothing but fried meat up until a month ago. I dont even crave this stuff now. I went through a tough type of body with drawl though. i eat nothing but seafood and veggies and water and beans and some fruits. I know it took longer than a month to do this to myself so I should be realistic and know it is going to take longer than a month to get rid of it and become healthier. Especially since I want to keep it off. But my 5 yr old mind is stomping its foot and screaming " BE GONE NOW AND STAY AWAY!!!" LOL.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    these worked for me, they may for you they may not

    dont diet. diet implies there will be an ending. you cant look at it that way. i made a wholesale change in the way i approached eating.

    accept that no matter how hard you try or how little you eat, you will have a week where you gain weight. your body will fight back once you make a drastic change. but dont let that discourage you, once the body sees this is the new norm, it will adjust accordingly.

    find out why you ate the way you did, whether it was just bad foods or whether you were a binge eater and work on changing that.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Hi thank you for responding. I am trying. I have changed so much about my diet so quickly I guess I am not seeing the results as quickly as I had hoped. I probably do not eat 1200 calories a day but I snack and stay full. Do you know if perhaps it takes a while for your body to adjust to even be able to see a weight change? I use to drink a 2ltr of soda a day and eat nothing but fried meat up until a month ago. I dont even crave this stuff now. I went through a tough type of body with drawl though. i eat nothing but seafood and veggies and water and beans and some fruits. I know it took longer than a month to do this to myself so I should be realistic and know it is going to take longer than a month to get rid of it and become healthier. Especially since I want to keep it off. But my 5 yr old mind is stomping its foot and screaming " BE GONE NOW AND STAY AWAY!!!" LOL.

    you have to be patient. start logging, even if you're not making the best food choices yet. determine your BMR and TDEE so that you know what your calorie goal needs to be. then see if you're meeting it or not. it takes some time to start seeing the effects on your scale simply because your body weight changes due to water weight and other factors. 1 gallon of water weighs a little more than 8lbs. just because you're not seeing anything on the scale yet doesn't mean nothing is happening. stop obsessing about the scale and focus on logging and eating at a daily calorie deficit.

    1lb is equal to 3500 calories, so if you eat at 500 less than your TDEE each day for a whole week, you'll lose 1lb. you might not see it on the scale immediately due to water retention, but it's happening. give it time. you'll start seeing it.
  • chasityhorne
    chasityhorne Posts: 6 Member
    I was a bored eater I discovered. Were I was really busy before now I am looking at my toes while my children are at school and ate everything. Now I am finding things to keep me busy. I am accepting that this isn't a diet and this is the new norm. But whew I wish someone would break it to my mind at walmart or the food kitty .
  • ericafaye6988
    ericafaye6988 Posts: 30 Member
    If what you are eating doesn't seem like something you can do for the. rest. of. your. life- stop. Because eventually, you will fall off that wagon if you can't support yourself. I tried doing the vegetarian thing... It didn't work for me. I found myself depriving myself. It's not what you need to do. You have to learn self control. Eat the things you want, in moderation. Take out potato chips, add in roasted green beans (my favorite snack!) You have to learn what to put in your body without feeling like you are missing out on something!