P90X vs other workout programs.

Has anyone had any success with P90X or any other workout programs? Which ones would you recommended?


  • faster_than_flash
    faster_than_flash Posts: 114 Member
    Has anyone had any success with P90X or any other workout programs? Which ones would you recommended?

    I have one friend who followed P90X (male) who was in great shape after he finishes. I also have a friend (female) who did insanity and looked great as well.

    I can't give a recommendation since I haven't used them, but they both seem pretty good. I think the overall mentality of eating healthy and exercising daily is all that matters.
  • LJP1982
    LJP1982 Posts: 45 Member
    I am in the middle of Month 2, Week 3 of Insanity and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone (who doesn't have knee problems)... Shaun T is amazing. :smile:
  • stinkytyphoon
    stinkytyphoon Posts: 2 Member
    I just started this today following the "lean" program. I made it 40 min of 60 min of one of the videos at least trying all the moves once. They are hard, but they will be worth it in the end. If you've never worked out before they are pretty simple to catch on as long as you go at your own pace. Think about the moves as you are doing them too. That goes with any type of exercise because proper form keeps you from hurting yourself.
  • It is hard to give you advice because you don't list a specific goal so here is some general information about programs I have completed.

    P90X - great strength training. Loved it but found it hard to get in the whole work out. Only lost minimal weight but it blasted off the inches and put a lot of definition on my legs and arms, which I loved.
    Turbo Fire - Love, love for cardio. Only lost minimal weight but really helped with breathing and running

    Body Revolution (Jillian Michaels) - HIIT workouts. Lost about 30 pounds (the most of all the home workouts) with this program. It blasted inches, weight and added definition which is what I wanted.

    I think that any program will work if you make the time and put in the effort. I would recommend that you peruse youtube and review previews of programs. Pick the workouts that you like and work for your specific goals. You need to just move, even if it is just walking.

    Good luck.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    P90X is fantastic because of how well structured and diverse its workouts are. You never have figure anything out for yourself - it's all there for you.

    If you're able to stick to the program AND THE NUTRITION GUIDE you will get incredible results. I literally guarantee it.

    The only reason people don't get results is they quit or don't eat right. If you wanna change your body, P90X is one of the most accessible ways to do it.
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    P90X is fantastic because of how well structured and diverse its workouts are. You never have figure anything out for yourself - it's all there for you.

    If you're able to stick to the program AND THE NUTRITION GUIDE you will get incredible results. I literally guarantee it.

    The only reason people don't get results is they quit or don't eat right. If you wanna change your body, P90X is one of the most accessible ways to do it.
    yep, P90x is a good program....but Tony gets annoying after a while. But there's always the volume control on the set. :bigsmile:
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    I've done P90X and I've done Insanity.
    They are both good, but for different reasons and I guess it depends on what kind of workout you are looking for.

    P90X is slow, methodical, the workouts are long (approx. 50-60 minutes each) and you will feel sore in different areas each day.
    Insanity's workouts are shorter (30-45 minutes), but they are "balls to the wall". When you get done, you will feel weak in the legs and completely winded.

    They are both serious workouts. I would recommend both of them.......I have even done P90X/Insanity hybrid workouts.
    It just becomes a question of what are you looking for, slow and steady or "insane".
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    P90X is fantastic because of how well structured and diverse its workouts are. You never have figure anything out for yourself - it's all there for you.

    If you're able to stick to the program AND THE NUTRITION GUIDE you will get incredible results. I literally guarantee it.

    The only reason people don't get results is they quit or don't eat right. If you wanna change your body, P90X is one of the most accessible ways to do it.
    yep, P90x is a good program....but Tony gets annoying after a while. But there's always the volume control on the set. :bigsmile:

    I have to agree, Tony's sense of humor does get tiresome and is rather dry (funny fact, he actually tried his hand at comedy and was only doing personal training work on the side before he realized what his calling was).
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I love Tony - and that's what happens, he's polarizing. You either love him or hate him. As an actor myself, i love it. and I get where he came from :)
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    Any program will work if you if you do it right.

    I have completed 30 day shred and it's amazing. In just 30 days i lost a few inches off my body and 5-6 lbs and the good thing is only 23-26 min every day.

    I'm currently doing p90x I started dec 20th and I already lost 0.5 inches off my waist. I'm totally loving it I havent lost any pound though but I dont mind the number on the scale and also due to the holidays I haven't been eating healthy :-( that means p90x deliver results...

    And for Insanity I cant tell you anything cause I have not tried it but I have heard is very intense
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    The actual program is FAR LESS important than the dedication/commitment you show towards it. Pick whatever program suits you the best and do it 100%.

    Very few people fail because of the program. Very many people fail because they don't work hard enough.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    yep, P90x is a good program....but Tony gets annoying after a while. But there's always the volume control on the set. :bigsmile:

    I have to agree I did P90x and it was beneficial but Tony is annoying at times, so I played music towards the end, but if you follow the guide its good.. the videos are on the long side.

    I did Insanity, and if you like cardio and your knee's can handle it, its a good workout.. unfortunately any resistance training is nonexistent with Insanity.

    Currently I am doing Tapout XT, it has some crazy cardio and strength training.. not to the point of P90x and there isn't as much hand holding.. I enjoy it, definitely fast paced and right to the workouts.

    Next I think I am going to do the hybrid P90x/Insanity.. but not sure yet. But you need the dedication to complete it and you have to eat correctly to fuel your workouts.. any of these programs you can't eat 1200 calories and expect results.. just not gonna happen.
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    I've done some P90x (didn't finish due to surgery) I've also done Insanity, Les Mills Pump and I'm currently doing Les Mills Combat.
    If you want to build muscle, P90X is great.. Awesome program to bulk up.. If you want to lose fat and tone up with cardio, Insanity is your ticket. It is intense and you will have to work at doing it. If you have knee issues, be very careful with the plyo., Pump doesn't build muscle, but it will tone what you have through high reps/low weight. In the long run, it could build muscle, but you would have to ramp up the weight. Combat is also cardio, but it is the most fun I have ever had working out!! It takes a bit of coordination and pactice to get through it, but is, by far, my favorite of the Beachbody programs right now!! I still do Insanity,and Pump when I feel like it.. P90X is the only one I don't go back too. Just personal pref..
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    If you're looking for a good at home workout, P90X is an excellent choice. I had even more success when I combined two programs and did a P90X/Insanity Hybrid. Feel free to message if you'd like a copy of the hybrid schedule, it's in Excel format.
  • I never did p90x, I went straight to p90x2... really enjoyed it.... LOST a lot of inches... I did insanity but it is tough on the knees... I also did the asylum, really enjoyed that one! I am currently doing les mills combat, well practicing the moves right now... I do the dvd of one workout for a few days so I know I will be ready for my challenge group to start on the 7th :bigsmile:
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I did P90X - it was OK. I lost some weight, and seemed to get stronger, but didn't really see *that* much of a change in my body.

    Later on, I did RushFit. Lost weight, got a little stronger, and started to see muscles again.
  • MoniJo82
    MoniJo82 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice! My husband got P90X and he wanted me to try with him. I also have chalean extreme. Gotta stick to it though. :)