Mildly annoyed at lack of potassium data..

kazb0t Posts: 33 Member
So I read all over these forums about sodium/potassium and started taking one potassium supplement a day because my amounts are always super low. But then saw that because food companies are not required to supply that data, I may not even need the supplement!

It's a little frustrating to not really know how much I'm intaking. Sure, I can look up the info somewhere online but really? -- on every single item and amount of said item I had in the day? Every day? Flippin' tedious. D= I wish there was a way I can transfer all of my diary entries into some program and it would just calculate my micros for me!


  • Christygogo
    Christygogo Posts: 47 Member
    I thought the same thing about potassium because it always said my intake was low, but I was eating "potassium rich" foods. I don't think it's even noted on a lot of foods in the MFP dictionary. I wouldn't take a to much potassium supplementation because it's not water soluble and can cause heart issues if your levels get to high. If you are young, not on certain medications, and have a well balanced diet you are probably at a very low risk for low potassium levels. If you are that concerned about it, go get a yearly physical with your MD and ask them to check you potassium levels. My favorite high potassium foods are bananas and avocados personally. Hope that helps!