Totally New To ALL Of This!

I have finally come to accept the reality that I NEED to lose weight. I'm a 24 yr old girl (woman doesn't feel right lol) and I am about 150 lbs over what I "should" weigh according to the doctors. I was inspired by a friend on FB originally to lose weight, she lost about 100lbs in over a year and another former co-worker and member of this sight who has recently just lost 40lbs as well. I have a few medical problems that can be fixed by taking off some of this extra weight, I also want to be a nurse, and I feel as if I would be a bad example to my patients if I was visibly unhealthy. I have never been able to stick with something, I don't have much willpower either but I know this is what I need to do, my family is worried about me and I am sick of these medical problems. I was a smoker for 7 years as well, but I just quit about 15 weeks ago, I did it cold turkey and it was HARD but I did it, I figure if i was strong enough to do that then I'm ready for this! I don't even know what to start with as in exercise, I don't know what I should be doing, should I push my self from the start or slowly ease into it, I know you should check with a doctor before starting dieting and exercising, but I can't afford the doctor at the moment so that isn't really an option. :( Any tips or links you have to share please send them my way!


  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Firstly, well done. You've taken a positive step here no matter which way you look at it. I think if you have a lot to lose then maybe GP or dietician consultation might be appropriate - but the only way from here is positive :) You can do this because you want to do it - you're doing it for you, not other people. Go you xx
  • sarahloves69
    Hey all, my name is sarah, 29 year old from winterpeg, just started doing my fitness pal again recently. I been on this wonderful site since 2011 and lost 20 lbs :) and still working on getting to my goal. Just checking out the forums to find some girlfriends with goals as well :) feel free to add me.
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    We are here to help:) I was a smoker who quit cold turkey about 8 years ago! It definitely shows your strength, so we can do this weight thing as well! Feel free to add me.
  • Gregthree
    Gregthree Posts: 36 Member
    IF you quit smoking on your own, you have more will power than you think. Walk it off. Bike it off. We walk 30 minutes a day and now mix in a stationary bike ride, ITs not going to be quick, but a long road. Set yourself some long term goals as well as short term ones. Estimate about 2 pounds a week, Long term goal could be to lose 30 by summer. Short term could be 10 pounds in first month. Get moving that will help the most. The more you move the more likely it is that you will achieve your goals.
  • missmadejavu
    missmadejavu Posts: 33 Member
    I was thinking this, I haven't seen a doctor (besides the Nurse Practitioner at the planned parenthood for my lady stuff) in about 6 years, I've only been to walk-ins when I was really sick and knew I needed to go. So it is a good idea because I don't know what's all wrong with me, the health problems I am aware of are ALL related to the extra weight so I am a bit scared that there is more wrong caused by the weight. Part of me is afraid, but then I think maybe it would be even more motivation to lose weight.

  • missmadejavu
    missmadejavu Posts: 33 Member
    I am joining a gym tomorrow, it's not the fanciest or the nicest but it's $10 a month and it's somewhere to start, because I still doubt myself and I don't want to be locked into an expensive place if I fail. Then I can think about changing to somewhere nicer once I stick with it. I've already thought of small rewards for myself when I reach short term goals, which would be more motivation because it is mostly things I've wanted to buy but didn't because it was too expensive. I joined myfitnesspal to have people to do this with because I do not have ANY friends besides my live in boyfriend and he doesn't seem too into the idea of jumping into this with me. I'm glad to see already that the community is super nice.

  • FunnyBunnyHunny
    FunnyBunnyHunny Posts: 102 Member
    LOL love the girl/ woman comment. Im 25 and feel the same way. Worst part is that sometimes when the "adults" are talking I almost feel like i should still leave the room like they made me do as a kid.

    Anyways, good luck to you!
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I am joining a gym tomorrow, it's not the fanciest or the nicest but it's $10 a month and it's somewhere to start, because I still doubt myself and I don't want to be locked into an expensive place if I fail. Then I can think about changing to somewhere nicer once I stick with it. I've already thought of small rewards for myself when I reach short term goals, which would be more motivation because it is mostly things I've wanted to buy but didn't because it was too expensive. I joined myfitnesspal to have people to do this with because I do not have ANY friends besides my live in boyfriend and he doesn't seem too into the idea of jumping into this with me. I'm glad to see already that the community is super nice.


    use the 'quote' button - i learned that one the hard way lol.

    Anyway, re the doc/nurse, i'd find out. Better get all the info xx
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    Your story sounds a lot like mine...
    Edited to add: Not only did I weigh 300 pounds when I started this whole journey in 2011, but I too am an ex-smoker who quit stone cold turkey - in 2008. So our stories are very similar, only I've got 17 years on you...

    Walking is a good start for exercise

    Please stop thinking about "if I fail" and such things as that... because that's not how to get this done...
    You can, and when you're ready, you will do this... I just hope that you don't wait until you're almost 40 like I did...
    One day at a time... one meal at a time... one choice at a time...
    And one "slip" does not equal failure

    Welcome to MFP, and to the beginning of your new life... You deserve this...
  • It's really exciting your choicing to take this step for yourself. I've lost and gained a lot over the last 12 yrs for many reasons and it's a complicated thing to loss weight and then keep it off. I push drinking a lot of water for myself. Take your weight and divide it by 2, that # is what I would suggest trying to drink a day in oz. It's probably a lot but it will help flush out the weight and keep you from eating too much. I like to flavor my water with lemon juice and sweeten with stevia. I buy 'stevia in the raw' from walmart. I wouldn't recamend drinking a lot of juice or diet sodas. Juice has a lot of calories in it and diet soda acctually makes you feel more hungry and it's been show to cause you to then eat more, and aspertame is a nurotoxin! ICK! Overall I'd say just start but tracking your calorie in-take and drinking a crap ton of water.
    Step-On-It :)
  • unskinnybop1
    unskinnybop1 Posts: 25 Member
    Well done on starting. i personally wouldnt reccomend a gym but everybody is different. I like to find a secluded parking lot or something and do something fun.Try skipping!
  • pkoll
    pkoll Posts: 135 Member
    Any improvement in diet or exercise is better than none. I started with diet first and logging. Now I'm adding the exercise. I can tell you're smarter than me, because you are thinking about your health much younger! I will say a prayer for your success!
  • missmadejavu
    missmadejavu Posts: 33 Member
    Well done on starting. i personally wouldnt reccomend a gym but everybody is different. I like to find a secluded parking lot or something and do something fun.Try skipping!

    At the moment out door exercise isn't really an option, it's winter and I live in the mid west and I do not tolerate to cold well.
    I'd like to try working out at home but I live in an upper apt of a 2 story house and have elderly downstairs neighbors who I don't want to disturb with making too much noise at home, so the gym is my best option at the moment. I want to start walking when I don't have to worry about freezing or slipping on ice, which will probably be soon!
  • missmadejavu
    missmadejavu Posts: 33 Member
    Any improvement in diet or exercise is better than none. I started with diet first and logging. Now I'm adding the exercise. I can tell you're smarter than me, because you are thinking about your health much younger! I will say a prayer for your success!
    Thank you, I was really inspired by 2 other women my age, one 2 years younger than me, and the other the exact same birthday as me. I know this is something I need and want to do I've been trying to work up the courage or motivation or something to push my self to start for a long time, this time I feel like I'm ready, I decided this year is my year to get everything in my life straightened out because I turn 25 in a bit over 8 months, and it's time to improve myself and my life, weight loss and being healthy is part of it.
  • missmadejavu
    missmadejavu Posts: 33 Member
    Any improvement in diet or exercise is better than none. I started with diet first and logging. Now I'm adding the exercise. I can tell you're smarter than me, because you are thinking about your health much younger! I will say a prayer for your success!
    Thank You!
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Welcome and good luck!!! I hope you find all you need here. I know MFP has helped me so much.

    I posted this thing a few weeks ago and people found it helpful so I'm sharing it in hopes that you will find it useful as well:

    I wish you great sucess. Just the fact that you are here already is a big step in the right direction.
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    Hi, congratulations on quitting smoking! That is WONDERFUL!! I am 23 and had 100lbs to lose when I joined mid-October, now I have about 60 left. I'm on here every day. Feel free to add me for support and motivation :)
  • MrsAnderson_GettingHealthy
    You sound like a great girl...woman! ;)
    You quit smoking all on your own, you can lose the weight that you don't want or need anymore. It's just weighing you down! You are beautiful and sound like you know what you want.
    Just think about the results and how you could feel in the long run. I have 92 more pounds to go and I already can feel my mindset changing about food and exercise, I have never felt this grea about the rest of my life. I created a group for women with 100-150 pounds to lose, we have about 10 members now and we are all so supportive and encouraging. Please message me if you would like an invitation.... It might be good since we motivate eachother, weigh in every week, create challenges and talk when we need a lending ear.
    Add me if you'd like a friend! :)