Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30

So, I've had the DVD for quite some time and would LOVE to start, stay consistent and stick with it. After all, it's only 30 mins long :/ Anyone down to start tomorrow Monday Jan 28th ? We can hold each other accountable, brag about our success and progress and feel accomplished together .


  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I am still doing 30DS in Jan, but I'd love to join you starting 1Feb. I just went out and bought RI30 earlier today, just so I'd have in before 1Feb :)
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Where did u but it, how much did u pay? I need something cuz im stuck in new england and its too cold to play outside.
  • I bought mine at walmart a week ago for like $10 if that!
    I'd love to start tomorrow!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I bought it on.Groupon and have been meaning to try it. I am down to start and add it to my workout.
  • Nareena, great job on your weight loss so far :) Amazing! 30 Day shred is a tough one to tackle :) I'm looking forward to starting Ripped in 30 , hope you are too!! Feb 1st is right around the corner ;)

    I am starting tomorrow since it works out well with my work schedule. :) Let the challenge begin!!
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    I'm doing BodyRevolution. I love Jillian's workouts. They are doable (still hard...), only 30 minutes, and you feel great when it's over!
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    I actually just started mine today and then found this board! I am in. I am going to use her recipes too. I bought mine on Amazon so I can use it through my hubby's Xbox. only 7.99.

    Do we want to offer stats each week since it is based on 4 weeks? Whatever you are comfortable telling.....?
  • Got mine today and starting tomorrow morning!!
  • martha1485
    martha1485 Posts: 70 Member
    I am starting today!!!!! what do yall think about creating a group so we can keep all of us accountable .... let me know what you think!!!
  • I would love someone to help me stay motivated to do this. I started it a while ago then my schedule got switched and have been trying to get back into it.
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Am I too late to start? I have the 30DS but I never made it to the second session. I made it 7 days but then got busy. I walked two miles in 30 minutes yesterday, so I'm up for the challenge, and I would love the support and will support you as well!!

    A little bit about me later.

