Has anyone ever tried jucing?

Hey MFP friends, I was just curious if anyone else has tried jucing? YES ... STRICTLY JUICE ...For either a simple detox or weight loss? I was so tired, :grumble: moody and had zero energy:yawn: . I watched "Fat, sick and nearly dead" on Netflix and juiced. First it was a Detox for 3 days but it turned into 30 days. This was 6 months ago. I lost 20 pounds in a month.:love: I felt to amazing! I had been in chemo from ovarian cancer in 2009 and it left alot of dark discoloration and doctors said it wouldnt go away it was just permanate scarring but it took that away:happy: . I had energy like those cheesy commercials when they literally roll out of bed and stat singing and dancing lol I felt amazing. My eye sight even got better :noway: and my nails were strong as rocks lol I was in awe. Anyways was just wondering if anyone else tried this? I wanted to to this again since I went back to junk food :sad: sad to admit but I have been back on a very healthy diet and will start jucing again IN A FEW WEEKS. It can be expensive too but you have to know what you are doing. If you would like to try I can always help and give you recipes too :) It may not be for everyone so no negative comments ..... really. Just sharing my great experience. :smile:


  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Line breaks wouldn't go amiss.

    No, I don't reckon juicing would work for me.
  • bronson32906
    bronson32906 Posts: 2 Member
    You are right I felt really when I was juicing, I use the omega 8006 juicer it grinds the veggies very slowly keeping all its nutrients. I stuck with greens, beets, ginger.it's not god to juice fruit it's better or us as is. I need to start! I would get my greens at our local farmers market, it cost less then the grocery store. Just make sure you get organic or that they have not been sprayed with pesticides.
  • cupcake_jen
    cupcake_jen Posts: 26 Member
    Yes I agree Bronson32906, I only used a fruit energizer for breakfast and all my other meals and snacks were veggies, I used kale, cucumbers, parsley, lemons, carrots, beets and spinach :) And yes organic and at the farmers markets were way better to use :) Good luck to you when you start jucing again :drinker:
  • retire86
    I been juicing and blending for 3 years now. I have two kinds of juicers that I use daily. I juice organic apples, celery, ginger, lemons, limes, kale and spinach weekly. My favorite is one lemon and a piece of ginger. I juice these 2 items and put the juice in a mason jar filled with spring water. I mix and I have a perfect replacement for coffee in the morning. I drink a full jar of this stuff daily. I also drink blended wheat grass juice daily.
  • cupcake_jen
    cupcake_jen Posts: 26 Member
    Oh wow retire86 that sounds yummy. I will have to do that. I have never tried the wheat grass how it is? As bad as trying kale for the first time? Haha
  • Larrybrown01
    Nicely explained. Juicing is best way keep our health fit.
    Detoxing the colon is fun and simple by juicing! Apples and lemons are superb choice for detox formula as they each are acknowledged to assist cleanse the colon .
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I need to start juicing again. I may do a juice fast for Lent if I can afford it.
  • cupcake_jen
    cupcake_jen Posts: 26 Member
    I need to start juicing again. I may do a juice fast for Lent if I can afford it.
    Well if you need help let me know. If you stick to the same lunch and dinner you also will save money as well. I have tons of recipes :smile:
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I have just started juicing. I try to once a day, but I think I am going to up it to twice a day here and there, maybe every other day. I don't think it's too pricey since the things I juice right now are pretty cheap, kale, celery, apples, ginger, ect. I think I juiced that head of kale several times before I actually ran out, like 5 times I used it before it was gone.
  • NaomiHooley
    I did juice a while back, but I was throwing out all this wonderfully natural fiber. So I bought a Vitamix blender. I make green smoothies (or red if you use beets! ) and I put everything in there with some coconut juice and water and ice cubes, and we drink almost a day's worth of veggies in one setting. We get the same vitality and energy, but it lasts longer as fuel.

    Today's smoothie had

    Pear, apple, orange, ginger root, celery, cucumber, parsley, cilantro, sugar peas, fresh kale, spinach, red cabbage, and red pepper..

    I would never sit down and eat all that in one day.. but blend it up and suck it down with a straw.. Amazing :)
  • alyciaengel
    alyciaengel Posts: 24 Member
    I just watched that movie & me and the husband are starting a 2 week juice fast today. We had the "Mean Green" this morning. Yummy!
  • DanielleWatson83
    DanielleWatson83 Posts: 139 Member
    hey everyone, I need you to do me a favor.. I bought a juicer.not sure the brand but i tried it once with a carrot and a apple just to see what it gives.. it works awesome.. it makes the juice and spits out the other stuff in a container department that is hooked to it.. where do I find how many watts it is? i got it on cleareance for 20.00 at walmart.. its black

    anyways can you send me lots of recipies.. i need to loose over 100lbs.. so if someone could help me no what is the best to put in the juicer to cleanse then loose weight that would be great... im not much of a veg juice drinker though so if u can add something sweet like a peice of fruit so i don't taste the other stuff that would be great! thanks alot!
  • fromnebraska
    fromnebraska Posts: 153 Member
    I've never done a juice fast, but I drink 1-2 juices in the morning. I'm never hungry in the morning, but I'm usually thirsty. Fresh juices were the solution for me.