crossfit + paleo and weight coming off extremely slow

Hello all.

Just dive into the stats here,

12.17.2012 start crossfit and paleo diet weight 178

do crossfit and other exercises 4 times a week, for a total of 240 minutes a week of high intensity crossfit style workouts.

paleo without any deviation from the diet minus a few glasses of wine a few weeks ago.
1/27/2013 only at 173 pounds, however clothing is much looser.

We know muscle weighs more than fat and I have probably lost alot of fat volume, but not seeing the scale budge too much is challenging. Has anyone gone thru this before with starting crossfit - paleo? Just want to have my internal reference for how quick-long it may take to get off the weight.

I am currently a size 12 . ( I have a strong larger frame ) thank you so much!


  • SHMirkle
    SHMirkle Posts: 5 Member
    Hang I there and stick with it. Crossfit and Paleo work really well. You may want to do a zone / Paleo combo. That will help with your portion control and balancing things out. Good luck!
  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    So you've lost 5 pounds in about 5 weeks? That's not that bad at all. It really depends what kind of deficit you're eating. I would imagine you're not eating a huge deficit since you'e working really hard. if you want to try to pick up that speed you can play with your diet a little and see what happens.

    Everyone has those weeks where it seems like nothing changes, don't judge yourself compared to the 10 lbs per week they lose o Biggest Loser or commercials for stimulants where they claim people dropped 60 pounds in 90 days. You ARE making progress and should continue on that path with patience. It is most definitely a marathon as opposed to a sprint.
  • moto67e
    moto67e Posts: 20 Member
    You're doing great. Don't use the scale as a measure of success. It really doesn't tell the whole story.
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    You're doing great. Don't use the scale as a measure of success. It really doesn't tell the whole story.

    Yes. plus your muscles are screaming and trying to recover. Muscle holds water when it's recovering. That's more water weight.