Upper Body Toning

Hi, I need to tone my arms - got to fit into strapless dress in August and want more toned arms- anyone any ideas of good arm toning exercise's?? I have a horse and am always lifting and moving buckets which is helping a little bit!



  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Some ideas...

    Add more weight to your buckets!
    Dumbbell presses - bench, overhead

    Use the muscle map (click on the upper arm of the model, for example) to find some more ideas:
    http://exrx.net/Lists/WtFemale.html <-- MAY BE NSFW

    But I think the compound movements listed above will be most beneficial.
  • Tilleyflipflop
    ahh great thanks- thats a real start!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    PUSHUPS!!!! They have given me amazing results on my shoulders, arms, and back area, perfect for sleeveless weather. I used this site to get started :http://hundredpushups.com/
  • Pinksapphire74
    I have found what works best for me on the back of my arms(which seems to be the hardest spot to tone for me) is standing with my back to a chair on workout bench and placing my arms on the seat, lower your body down than back up. It kills, but well worth it! Good luck and I know you will look hot in your dress in August!!
  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    lots of pushups (onehundredpushups.com), tricep kickbacks and dips!!
  • Tilleyflipflop
    Ahhh thanks ladies!! Will get cracking on push ups then!!
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    Remember to vary your grip on the pushups, remember the pushup is merely a bench press of your own bodyweight. The Bench press uses your chest shoulders and triceps. If you vary your hand placement you can hit different parts of your tricep and chest, the closer to your body ,the more triceps are involved,meaning that as your hands get closer together more triceps are used.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Push ups will change your upper body ... How I started, was 1 a day .. then 2 a day, then 3 a day ... 4 a day ... eventually got up to 80 push ups!! (2 sets of 40 ) ... try that method ... non girly push ups too!
  • Tilleyflipflop
    Thanks guys- is swimming any good for helping tone upper body?
