I'd like to start taking Meal Replacement Shakes / Smoothies



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    Ive been drinking Slim Fast 3-2-1 Drinks in the morning and sometimes in mid afternoon to suppliment any snacking that I would ordinarily do. When they say "They curve the appetite for several hours", I have found that they do. I eat a cerial or hot breakfast every morning at around 7 Oclock , however, I start getting hungry around 10:00am, so I will have a slim fast to get me through to 12:30 when I have lunch. I also have nutrition bars and Almonds that give me an afternoon snack so I dont eat junk. By the end of the day, if Im lucky, I have about 400 caleries that I can use for dinner, inwhich I dont want dinner to be my biggest meal anyway. I am losing weight moderately and I feel great!

    The thing about Myfitnesspal is that as you enter everything you are eating/drinking, you can also monitor area's that you could be lacking in and suppliment whatever it is. I agree with one writer on here that commented that the key is learning to eat right. Right now, Im working on shedding off the weight, feeling better and staying healthy. These shakes help you stay in line with what you are trying to accomplish without feeling like you are starving, yet your getting the nutritions through your shakes and your regular meals, like salads, 3 course meals. Dont substitue for your regular meals, however, use them as a suppliment between meals. The ones that I drink are 110 cals.
    but i think the OP said she is wanting to REPLACE her meals and your rant just said NOT to replace her meals and just use shakes as snacks. How does that help her busy schedule if she still has to cook food?
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Hi NCVF,

    I've been using Isowhey Complete off and on for the last eight weeks. Its 171 calories per shake and it appears to be a well balanced meal replacement formula. Its ok tasting, but not as good tasting as the higher calorific Musashi P30 meal replacement shake designed for muscle weight gain/recovery.
    My observation has been that meal replacement shakes are of little value unless one also incorporates some form of cardio exercise program. They do, however, ensure that one feels 'full' for awhile before food cravings and later...genuine hunger kicks in.
    I was replacing two meals a day with Isowhey Complete before I discovered MFP and it had some impact. But I found that if I used MFP and used the meal replacement formula occassionally as part of a nutritious low calorie diet as well as increasing my exercise regime, it had a much greater impact.
    Kind regards,

  • shakes are not good- they are processed food and unnatural. The best way to lose weight and keep fit is eat a diet of no processed foods and exercise everyday
  • Moonwind75
    Moonwind75 Posts: 6 Member
    I apologize. The Slim Fast Shakes I drink are 180 Caleries, NOT 110. Sorry for the typo. ;)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    shakes are not good- they are processed food and unnatural. The best way to lose weight and keep fit is eat a diet of no processed foods and exercise everyday
    The BEST way to lose weight would be a calorie deficit. And you could do cardio everyday and still not be fit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • seamanny
    seamanny Posts: 134 Member
    Eat real food unless you have no other alternative.

    When you read the labels on shakes, do you recognize what all the ingredients are? Can you pronounce them? They're not real food, and they're certainly not a good substitute for it.

    In music, we say that you perform the same way you practice. So it is with eating. Think of losing weight as practicing and maintenance as the performance.

    Nice analogy!
  • raneylfrick
    raneylfrick Posts: 380 Member
    The funny thing about stats is, just because a majority of people fall into one of the groups, doesn't mean everybody does. With the MRSs, I have found that they are the ONLY thing that suppresses my want and desire to 'graze' all day. I do the Special K choco shakes. If it is something you think may work, give it a try! I don't feel as if I'm still hungry after I have one. They may be higher in carbs and sugar, but I have to look at it this way...If I didn't have one, I would be sitting in the kitchen eating cookies or pulling chunks off a loaf of bread... For me, they are totally worth it!