Low carb diets

I just finished reading this book called "Why We Get Fat and What to do About It." In the book, the author states that carbs make us fat. However, I've heard mixed reviews about low-carb diets. I was conisdering throwing out most carbs but there is no hard evidence that supports some of the authors claims. However, low carb diets are very limited on food selection.

I have ate whole grain breads and cereals while trying to change my eating habits (and have lost weight.) typically stay within the allowed amount of carbs on MFP.

Opinions on low carb diets?


  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    i lost 50 lbs on a low carb diet that separated food. kept it off for years. it's challenging and everyone will know you're doing it but it can be done and it worked for me. it took me six full months to lose that weight and i got pretty good about knowing what to eat to not be hungry, there were no limits on portions just what was combined.

    This time i chose a different way due to having a family now and the hassle of preparing different meals. good luck.
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    I think reducing the amount of carbs/starch you eat will aid weight loss, because overdosing on these at each meal contributes to calorie excess. I don't see the point in cutting them out completely, as it hinders exercise/the feeling of having energy and being motivated to exercise.

    Someone will come on here and post reams about carb free diet and insulin promoting fat burning, but we live in the real world... not something you can keep up!
  • iveyroze3
    I just eat carbs with more nutritional value,fiber,and less sugar. Less processed foods for sure. My doctor says " If it's white it aint right "lol Anyway you have to find a comfortable fit with carb intake. If I eat too many carbs I get hungrier. Need to make choices that help keep us full and have energy. What carbs you don't use will more than likely be stored as fat. There has to be balance.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I just finished reading this book called "Why We Get Fat and What to do About It." In the book, the author states that carbs make us fat. However, I've heard mixed reviews about low-carb diets. I was conisdering throwing out most carbs but there is no hard evidence that supports some of the authors claims. However, low carb diets are very limited on food selection.
    Read the links related to Gary Taubes in this thread - it may help with your decision:

  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I know when I eat low carb I lose a lot more weight, but honestly without carbs I would be tired and angry. I eat around 200g a day and am losing quite well...
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    No. Carbs don't make us fat. Do you think that all the lean people who eat plenty of carbs have special super powers?
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    i lost 50 lbs on a low carb diet that separated food. kept it off for years. it's challenging and everyone will know you're doing it but it can be done and it worked for me. it took me six full months to lose that weight and i got pretty good about knowing what to eat to not be hungry, there were no limits on portions just what was combined.

    This time i chose a different way due to having a family now and the hassle of preparing different meals. good luck.
    If it was successful you would not need to do it again, right?
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I think carbs are an important part of the diet. Just chose to eat the right ones. If I get too low on carbs I can feel, that my lifting is not as strong as it could be
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You can reduce your carbs without doing without certain foods altogether - it does come down to re-examining portion size.
  • 21Pontoon
    No. Carbs don't make us fat. Do you think that all the lean people who eat plenty of carbs have special super powers?

    Nice use of sarcasm there, that was definitely an informative and helpful response....
  • 21Pontoon
    I have a few friends who have gone extra low carb, 20g limit, and they have lost a lot of weight, the problem is that when you go back up they've tended to put half the weight back on (20g is a bit low to maintain). I've played with low carb diets before mainly because I just feel healthier and cleaner when I'm on them, personally. If you think it'd be something you want to do then give it a three month tester, if you think you're eating too few or too many then adjust as you feel appropriate. there isn't a set percentage for everyone so experiment. It may take longer than you want it to but in the long run it'll be easier.
    Also, I found when I wasn't relying on carbs it forced me to experiment with new foods and meals that were all together a lot healthier anyway.
    Hope this helps and feel free to add me or message :) x
  • jusme085
    jusme085 Posts: 16 Member
    No. Carbs don't make us fat. Do you think that all the lean people who eat plenty of carbs have special super powers?

    Good call ^^^

    You body neeeeds carbs to fill up the glycogen stores to give you energy and endurance. You can lose weight with carbs, there is no need to get rid of them. Try to eat carbs that arent processed like whole grains and your will be okay.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    Taking more calories than we use makes us fat. If you eat under your maintenance you will lose weight, regardless of what you are eating.

    Cutting down or cutting out carbs will probably help you lose weight quicker, but in my opinion a diet that cuts out an entire macronutrient is not sustainable.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    No. Carbs don't make us fat. Do you think that all the lean people who eat plenty of carbs have special super powers?

    Nice use of sarcasm there, that was definitely an informative and helpful response....

    What sarcasm? This is common sense.

    See my reply in the "top 5 foods not to eat" thread for examples of actual sarcasm.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    I just go by MFP's suggested carb goal. I go over now and again but my carbs include fruit and veg as well which, as I'm trying to increase the amount of fruit and veg I eat, is inevitable.


    This is what I see at nearly all doctor's offices, it was in the dining hall at my primary school and when asked about weight loss, I was advised to eat following the portions on this chart. There must be something to it.
    Of course, there are healthier carbs (ie, wholewheat versus white bread and rice) but you need them for energy so just make healthier choices when it comes to carbs - less sugary, processed carbs and more wholewheat carbs.

    Also, make sure you follow something that you'll be able to maintain even after you reach your goal weight. Going low carb to lose weight is fine, but if you decide to stop losing weight and eat more carbs again there is the risk it could put it back on.
  • JordanElizabeth87
    This was all really helpful! In the past I have been able to eat whole grains, high fiber and still lose weight. When I eat bread I tend to only eat one slice during the meal or half a bagel which helps cut carbs but not totally get rid of them. I'm trying to make a lifestyle change in my eating habits. From what I've come across, low carb helps lose wieght but is extremely hard to maintain!
  • Colorfan
    Colorfan Posts: 230 Member
    I was 100% on Medifast for 6 months up until December. Its essentially a low carb diet. Under 100 grams a day. The idea with that diet is that you put yourself into a mild state of ketosis, plus a calorie deficit, so you lose a ton of weight relatively quickly. In that time I lost the majority of this 100 lbs.

    So my take on low carb is that it works, but you gotta eat the right stuff. Lots of protein for sure. But in my case, and a lot of other people on Medifast, we had a LOT of weight to lose. The weight loss has made it a lot easier for me to take on things I couldnt do before to improve my health. Exercising is a big one, less stress on your joints from your own body weight is a big helper.
  • Rodhands
    I have recently come back onto ultra low carb, after doing it for 3 months and then stopping over Xmas and New Year. Results? I lost upwards of 30lbs and in the 2 months I was back to eating carbs put on ~5lbs which can easily be attributed to water weight

    What a lot of people don't choose to learn from ultra-low-carb diets is portion control. That is the number one thing I took from my period on Keto and it helped me massively. I can positively say I will never go back to eating lashings of mash potato or heaps of rice every again (I shouldn't of been anyway but thats a whole other argument), but the past 2 months has shown me that I can come off the Keto-way and still maintain around the same body weight.

    This "extremely hard to maintain" rubbish that I see bandied around is a terrible argument as it is a MASSIVE generalisation, after the initial craving for chips and beer I soon realised not only was I no longer interested in those things, I actively went out of my way to avoid having to be around them.

    Some people can maintain it some cant, ultimately 1 diet is not for everyone so if you are thinking that low carb will cut out too much of what you enjoy then maybe looking for a different diet will better suit you.
  • Dree3
    Dree3 Posts: 54 Member
    Going low-carb was the best decision I ever made. I tried losing doing low fat/low cal and I found I was scraping the bottom of my Lean Cuisine dishes and just wound up frustrated and hungry all the time. Since switching to low-carb, I'm rarely hungry, get to eat delicious food all the time, am more clear-headed and energetic, and managed to lose all this weight without even feeling like I was dieting. I also never get heartburn anymore. My blood pressure is the lowest it's been in years (110 / 69) and my cholesterol is maintaining at normal levels. The only carbs I do eat are from fruit and veggies.

    I've personally found it to be pretty easy to maintain, but I really enjoy cooking. In fact, I think switching to low-carb has made me a better cook, since you have to get creative to come up with substitutes for things like bread and pasta. Even if you hate cooking though, it's really easy to get food from restaurants and still remain low carb.

    Even if you don't go strict low carb (or even at all), the best thing you can do is cut out white foods and sugar. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • texastango
    Opinions on low carb diets?

    Without going into too much detail even the Harvard School of Public Health recommends Low Carb/Normal Fat diets that are higher in protein. With normal kidney function it's been documented that up to 25 percent protein diets are safe. People do over that (including myself) and I'm typically in the 29-31 percent Protein range - not for muscle building, but to replace the carbs. I keep a fat content around 30 percent and find it's really hard to get lower (for me). I try to keep as much of the fat monounsaturated or polyunsaturated as possible.

    Here's a link that might help: