Diabetic HELP PLEASE!!!

I posted this in the diet section but thought it would be good to put it here as well. Here it is............................

OK, so i am asking this for my wife. She and I are very different when it comes to food needs and dieting. She is a small women, 4' 10'' and she is from Asia which we were told by a diabetic specialist is the reason she is pre diabetic. She also has PCOS.

My wife has recently made some changes to her macro/micro goals and i don't know if that is the best idea. So here is my question.

Those of you that have experience in the above mentioned dietary needs what do you put as your Carb and sugar daily goals?

I am well informed with BMR and TDEE. My wife and i have previously consulted a diabetic specialist but it has been awhile. I understand i am looking for information through "bro science". However with all that said i am worried she may take her carb and sugar worries to an unsafe extreme. So what are your thoughts.

P.S. If any of you know about these things let her know and maybe friend her. (stormygirl_82). Diabetic/PCOS/Smaller people is just so different then me and i know she needs support from those more like her. (Make sure you leave a message with your request or she may not know you are in a similar boat.)

Thank you.


  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    There is a group for Diabetic type 2. It has lots of info on that link, and as you read the post there, you will see that carb intake is a personal issue. Diabetes is a personal issue. Everyones body reacts differently. Some go with super low carb totals like 50-80 a day. Others more. I was told by a dietician to eat 45 carbs for my breakfast, lunch and dinner. What I find best for me is to keep it a bit lower Usually around 20 to 30 carbs per meals and also my snacks. I have an open food diary if you want to look. I would highly check the group for diabetics though. Very informative info there.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i am type 2 diabetic and also have pcos. you have to customize things a little. i think the protein recommendations are a little low. so i almost always go over. but the carbs and sugars seem to be ok. im not sure how to do it. but when your go in and select your goals, it is pretty accurate as far as how many calories it will allow and i would follow that. it really depends her goals and her activity level. if she is losing weight, then i would just watch how much she exercises vs her calories. she might want to eat a little more often rather then 3 meals. what works for me is not going to necessarily work for her. but be sure if she execises that she watches how she feels. in the beginning, i was not eating right and felt tired and light headed from not eating properly and trying to over do it.
  • glitterqueer
    glitterqueer Posts: 9 Member
    The reason she is 'pre-diebetic' ie has insulin resistance is because this is a common condition in those with PCOS. She should concentrate on low GI foods. I'm afraid I can't advise further as I'm looking for answers myself!
  • have her speak with her doctor & perhaps he can set her goals for her. Good luck!
  • Sioned26
    Sioned26 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same position - I have been advised to eat good carbs in all my meals and also go low GI. I suggest getting a few low GI cook books
  • Hi Everyone, I'm also a diabetic sugars high & sugars low right now i"m running on the high side! I've had better control!! I'm just starting this program i need to start eating alot healthier if i want to be around! I'm just wondering how everyones doing with my fitness pal wish me luck !!!!
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    I'm in the same position - I have been advised to eat good carbs in all my meals and also go low GI. I suggest getting a few low GI cook books

    GI means????
  • I'm in the same position - I have been advised to eat good carbs in all my meals and also go low GI. I suggest getting a few low GI cook books

    GI means????

    Glycemic Index.. Its a way of rating carbohydrates on a scale signifying the rate of absorbtion by the body. ie- white bread has a GI of 100 because it takes 1 hour for it to be fully absorbed by the body. Within this hour, the body has a blood sugar "spike" and falls back to the normal levels.

    here's the site: http://www.glycemicindex.com/
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    so low numbers on the GI is good for diabetic or for PCOS?
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004